An advanced (or adventurous) user could do "dpkg --add-architecture arm64" and then start installing arm64 packages (and lots of dependencies -- expect to take up a few more gigabytes of space, especially if they're X packages).
You should probably read some documentation like before doing so.
I've done this before (mixing x86 32-bit with amd64, and I think once mixing armhf with arm64)
(This _is_ debian/ubuntu/derivative we're talking about, right?)
My Pinebook hasn't arrived yet, so I don't know for sure whether this'll work on the Pinebook or break things badly, but I feel optimistic.
When I get my PBP, I'd be happy to try this myself and report on the results.
You should probably read some documentation like before doing so.
I've done this before (mixing x86 32-bit with amd64, and I think once mixing armhf with arm64)
(This _is_ debian/ubuntu/derivative we're talking about, right?)
My Pinebook hasn't arrived yet, so I don't know for sure whether this'll work on the Pinebook or break things badly, but I feel optimistic.
When I get my PBP, I'd be happy to try this myself and report on the results.