01-05-2016, 10:07 PM
You and I may not agree 100% but I do find that you share the ability to think critically about both points without offense. I like that.
I would like to state that I wasn't attempting to be alarmist but to rally the troops, so to speak. The more people that get behind a cause benefits the cause. As for the linux vs android, you are largely correct but as I know you know, android focuses sharply on a singular kernel, and uses a very custom userspace. This makes developing for that particular instance easier as there are less variables. My interest in almost singularly in linux, the focus of this forum topic and thread, and more so in the general application over many kernels, userspaces, distributions. This board has the potential to be a new era in linux SBCs and I want to see that come to light.
I didn't intend for any perception of Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. I do genuinely feel there is reason for concern but my motivation is for people to back, support, and rally behind the product to see it forward, not to see them scared off. Nobody rallys a cause unless they understand the stakes. For that I humbly apologize. I want to see the community come together, for Allwinner to cooperate, for the linux side to be as great or better than the Android side. This is what i truly want.
With no further alarmist tone I'd be glad to join the community in hacking the everlasting end out of these boards to make them linux kings. This will need the support of you, me, community, and Allwinner.
You and I may not agree 100% but I do find that you share the ability to think critically about both points without offense. I like that.
I would like to state that I wasn't attempting to be alarmist but to rally the troops, so to speak. The more people that get behind a cause benefits the cause. As for the linux vs android, you are largely correct but as I know you know, android focuses sharply on a singular kernel, and uses a very custom userspace. This makes developing for that particular instance easier as there are less variables. My interest in almost singularly in linux, the focus of this forum topic and thread, and more so in the general application over many kernels, userspaces, distributions. This board has the potential to be a new era in linux SBCs and I want to see that come to light.
I didn't intend for any perception of Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. I do genuinely feel there is reason for concern but my motivation is for people to back, support, and rally behind the product to see it forward, not to see them scared off. Nobody rallys a cause unless they understand the stakes. For that I humbly apologize. I want to see the community come together, for Allwinner to cooperate, for the linux side to be as great or better than the Android side. This is what i truly want.
With no further alarmist tone I'd be glad to join the community in hacking the everlasting end out of these boards to make them linux kings. This will need the support of you, me, community, and Allwinner.