Citrix Receiver / ICAClient install for armhf
Occasionally I have a need to use Citrix Receiver / ICAClient for Linux. (I don't have MS-Windows or Macs at home.) My AMD Ryzen, (sorry I used profanity :-), under Gentoo Linux does work with Citrix ICAClient. Had to fuss with the install, as ICAClient wanted an older version of some library. But I was not downgrading my system for it. I simply put in a soft-link from the old name to the installed version. Worked perfectly after that.

Now it was time to see if Citrix ICAClient would work for my Pinebook Pro.

Turns out Citrix assumes that any "64" output from "uname -m" means it's x86_64. Silly, since the default OS image uses "aarch64" for ARM64. Here is the section of code from the installer script, "setupwfc";

              # We use uname -m to report processor type. If we
              # see 64 we assume a 64 bit Intel processor, if we see
              # 86 we assume a 32 bit Intel processor
              if uname -m | grep 64 2>&1 >/dev/null ;then
                  DISP_PLATFORM="Linux (x64)"

I tried a simple edit of that script, but the install script seems to call "uname" in a sub-script. So, I did the most expediant thing, temporarily replaced "uname" with a script that gives the correct output;
root@Debian-Desktop:/bin# mv uname uname.orig
root@Debian-Desktop:/bin# echo '#!/bin/bash
if [ ${#} -eq 0 ]; then
   echo "Linux"
elif [ ${#} -eq 1 ]; then
   if [ "${1}X" = "-mX" ]; then
       echo "armhf"
   elif [ "${1}X" = "-sX" ]; then
       echo "Linux"
   elif [ "${1}X" = "-aX" ]; then
       echo "Linux Debian-Desktop 4.4.196 #1 SMP Tue Oct 15 16:54:21 EDT 2019 armhf GNU/Linux"
exit 0' >uname
root@Debian-Desktop:/bin# chmod a+rx uname
Now the install worked perfect and I was able to test Citrix receiver / ICAClient, it works fine.

Don't forget to back out your "uname" change after installing Citrix receiver / ICAClient;
root@Debian-Desktop:/bin# mv uname uname.citrix
root@Debian-Desktop:/bin# mv uname.orig uname
Arwen Evenstar
Princess of Rivendale

Messages In This Thread
Citrix Receiver / ICAClient install for armhf - by Arwen - 11-16-2019, 07:11 PM

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