01-05-2016, 02:35 PM
Good catch Ketsa but paulieg is correct. We have a fundamental problem with the Allwinner SOC in that the Allwinner company hasn't released ANY information as to how to use their chip to take advantage of the accelerated video as well as basic information required to boot. Allwinner has written some code but they release the binary and not the source. In fact, the community has proven that Allwinner has used GPL (LGPL) code in their software without obeying the license agreement. Allwinner has even tried, in latest software updates, to hide the fact that they did that. To make this product work more with linux in a meaningful way, Allwinner needs to cooperate with the community and share some vital information. Until they do, this board will ONLY be useful under Android. In some ways, I don't think the product oragnizers fully realized the state of linux on these chips or they never would have litsted linux as an option. While it will run linux, the lack of a current linux kernel coupled with nonexistent video acceleration will be a deal-breaker.