06-11-2019, 03:11 AM
(02-25-2019, 04:53 AM)erchache2000 Wrote: Hi, im trying to install qemmu on pinebook using manjaro.
I see kernel has enabled KVM via dmesg, but when try to create qemmu image ovmf files arent installed.
Strit said Anarsoul is kernel maintainer of manjaro-arm for pinebook.
But some packages aren't on majaro, like this, https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/ovmf-aarch64/
Any tips to install correctly qemu+kvm on pinebook?
Hi @erchache2000 ,
Have you managed to run qemu-kvm on your Manjaro?
If so, then could you please share your experience with managing some guest VM on such system?
My idea is to build a hypervisor that could manage 3-4 home servers (running on x86_64 servers). Is it possible with Pine64 boards?
Thank you.