04-26-2019, 03:39 PM
I have now tried the ROCK64 MATE 0.8.0rc10 on my ROCK64 4GB SBC. I still had the GPU error followed by 'apport' trying hundreds of attempts to stop a crash. In short it crashed, total stop. I could ping the unit, but there was no SSH available for any remote connection. I went back to the rc9 update and although the display wouldn't sync with the GPU, I had an open SSH where I could PUTTY into the unit and start a remote VNC. With the rc10, apport recycled the machine to go over each core and I believe from the displayed hexadecimal arrays and page faults ran out of memory. Instead of trying to fix the problem on the run a few default settings might help. Also, RPi has 86 preset HDMI_MODES from which to chose with MATE. I would hazard a guess that 0.8.0rc10 would work just fine at 50Hz and bomb at 60Hz. Any thoughts? BTW, Ayufan is great.