10-04-2018, 04:25 PM
P8 and P10 belong to UART2. I would like to use UART2 for a zigbee board and thus needs to move the serial console to UART1 on P15 and P18. As far as I know, only UART0 is already used otherwise, but UART1 should be free. However moving the getty in debian from UART2 to UART1 is an easy one, but how to reconfigure uboot to use UART1 for console output ? I tried to check the uboot config with fw_printenv, but obviously /etc/fw_env.config file contains the wrong offest or size for uboot. Can sombody advise the correct offset and sitze of uboot on rock64 ?
Many thanks!
P8 and P10 belong to UART2. I would like to use UART2 for a zigbee board and thus needs to move the serial console to UART1 on P15 and P18. As far as I know, only UART0 is already used otherwise, but UART1 should be free. However moving the getty in debian from UART2 to UART1 is an easy one, but how to reconfigure uboot to use UART1 for console output ? I tried to check the uboot config with fw_printenv, but obviously /etc/fw_env.config file contains the wrong offest or size for uboot. Can sombody advise the correct offset and sitze of uboot on rock64 ?
Many thanks!