(08-22-2018, 01:04 PM)Drago Wrote: Hi, I'm very new to this so my question is elementary:
I downloaded the stretch-minimal-rockpro64-0.7.8-1061-arm64.img.xz and flashed it to a microSD I purchased from Pine. After inserting the microSD into the board, connecting Ethernet, USB keyboard and HDMI to my TV, I power the system on and am asked to login. As far as I know, the credentials are user:rock64, password:rock64, so that's what I enter. But there seems to be no indication that the OS is being installed. All I see is a command prompt and I'm not sure what to do next.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The system is 'installed'. In fact, you are looking at the system. You installed a minimal image so the command line interface is all you'll get. If you want a destkop experience then download the image which has LXDE in its name. [edit] Or better yet, get the armbian desktop image as its more newbie-friendly.
But before you do anything, I suggest that you stay with the current image for now and learn a thing or two about Linux - it will really help you out a lot down the line. Regardless of what you intend to use the Rock64 for you will have to use the terminal (pretty much what you're looking at), so why not start with this and learn:
1) navigating directories in CLI
2) apt package manager
3) permissions (sudo)
4) creating / removing / copying files
5) basic bash cripts
^ google the above and have fun.