01-28-2018, 08:24 AM
Thank's a lot for the infos above!
Let me share an even easier way to install Fedora on the Pine64 using arm-image-installer:
The dtb symlink issue, which is mentioned above, is still present. However, the instructions above are misleading, because
the symlink should link to /dtb-4.1x.x-xxx.fc27.aarch64 (with / being the boot partition). So best create it like this:
Remember to do the symlink fixup whenever a new kernel is being installed.
Let me share an even easier way to install Fedora on the Pine64 using arm-image-installer:
#Download the Fedora Minimal image
sudo dnf install uboot-images-armv8 fedora-arm-installer
sudo fedora-arm-image-installer --image=Fedora-Minimal-27-1.6.aarch64.raw.xz --target=pine64_plus --media=/dev/sdb
The dtb symlink issue, which is mentioned above, is still present. However, the instructions above are misleading, because
the symlink should link to /dtb-4.1x.x-xxx.fc27.aarch64 (with / being the boot partition). So best create it like this:
cd /boot
sudo ln -s dtb-4.1x.x-xxx.fc27.aarch64 dtb
Remember to do the symlink fixup whenever a new kernel is being installed.