Samsung 830 SSD (256GB) via JMS576 USB3/SATA bridge
Linux rock64 4.4.70-rockchip-ayufan-54
New test with 12GB file size (larger than total amount of RAM (4GB))
Linux rock64 4.4.70-rockchip-ayufan-54
random random
kB reclen write rewrite read reread read write
12288000 4 17768 22328 26129 25677 13302 21361
12288000 16 61171 75520 79985 79982 43520 73117
12288000 512 157411 241636 297964 297923 186737 107077
12288000 1024 179415 259620 308459 320070 239986 166616
12288000 16384 195302 232991 335103 352457 345601 153506
New test with 12GB file size (larger than total amount of RAM (4GB))
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