(03-11-2017, 10:37 PM)rallysjd Wrote: OK, I have an install working with a brand new Sony 16G Class 10 SD, sort of ...
Assuming the Windows IoT stuff is installed on your host PC, there's the IoTCoreImagheHelper app that takes the FFU file and writes it to the SD card. The card boots and takes about 2 minutes to sort out the initial setup, and eventually displays the
There's something odd about the USB connections on my card. A mouse and keyboard don't work, and don't show up as Connected Devices, unless I use a powered hub. Not sure why this happens, but the usual reason on an RPI2 is dragging too much current from the USB. I'm using a RaspberryPie PSU (5V@2.5A) which should be fine.
The board eventually allows the mouse to work and I see windows and graphics similar to the RPi2.
No network or IP address shows up, and at present I have no clue how to set these. Same for setting the RealTime Clock.
The board reports Device Name : minwinpc same as the RPi2.
It's 2330h and Iv'e had enough for today...
What version does it display on the splash screen? I assume you have a valid Ethernet connection to the device?