02-05-2017, 11:12 PM
(02-05-2017, 08:08 PM)JCMPine64 Wrote: I have been having a heck of a time trying to get 2 Pine64s to work on the same LAN.
You may find that both PineA64 units have the same mach address. rats
... so make the mac address of each machine unique. Try this in a terminal:
cat /boot/uEnv.txt
The mach address should begin with 00:06:dc: xx:xx:xx
Make sure that each mach address is unique : the last three xx:xx:xx can be anything you want, but they must be unique for your network.
The script : /usr/local/sbin/pine64_eth0-mackeeper.sh
... handles keeping the mach address unique. You can edit the mach address in /boot/uEnv.txt, or you can delete the address line from /boot/uEnv.txt and the pine64_eth0-mackeeper.sh script will set it. I prefer to setup the mach address myself and make sure they are unique.
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( I regret that I am not able to respond to personal messages; let's meet on irc! )
please join us for a chat @ irc.pine64.xyz:6667 or ssl irc.pine64.xyz:6697
( I regret that I am not able to respond to personal messages; let's meet on irc! )