yeah, I just read about the banana pi 64, it uses same A64, Mali Drivers, but uses onboard flash, so I just wrote the image to a sd card, put in and booted up, I waited to see any ethernet activity, and when that happened, I shut down, and pulled the sd card out to read the decompressed files, and edited the command line text for HDMI, and boom, booted to the desktop with all my USB working, ethernet, HDMI.
I am a newb with this, but I pick up fast so I half way have an idea of what's going on, it wasn't a blind try when I decided to boot it.
oh yeah here is a link to the image in my google drive for whom ever wants it.
I am a newb with this, but I pick up fast so I half way have an idea of what's going on, it wasn't a blind try when I decided to boot it.
oh yeah here is a link to the image in my google drive for whom ever wants it.