09-15-2016, 12:38 PM
(09-15-2016, 11:23 AM)MarkHaysHarris777 Wrote:(09-15-2016, 05:10 AM)dcmorley Wrote:(09-01-2016, 05:32 PM)MarkHaysHarris777 Wrote:(09-01-2016, 03:55 PM)dcmorley Wrote:(09-01-2016, 05:03 AM)MarkHaysHarris777 Wrote: The PMIC will NOT charge the batter using a two wire system. The third wire (the center one, yellow on three wire systems) is required so that the charge system can monitor the temperature.
You may 'fool' the PMIC by running a 10K ohm resistor from the center pin(2) to ground, on a two wire system, and then the PMIC will charge the battery.
(hope this helps you)
ThankX Mark, I'll try that. At least I now know.
(09-01-2016, 03:55 PM)dcmorley Wrote: ThankX Mark, I'll try that. At least I now know.
Mark, Should I use a thermistor or is it safe to just use a resistor?
A thermistor doesn't buy you anything because its not mounted in the battery package. You may use a standard half watt 10K ohm resistor.
Mark, I just got back here and saw your reply AFTER I picked up 100 10k Ω 1/4 watt resistor is the 1/4 watt good enough?
Yes, it probably is going to be just fine. If you want to make sure (I have not measured it) you can measure the current by taking a voltage drop reading across the resistor-- do the math, if voltage times current is 0.250 or less a 1/4 watt resistor will work fine. Its really a pull-down resistor to ground and not much current passes through it I suspect.
Got it Mark, ThankX.