(08-19-2016, 03:55 AM)BlackJack Wrote: Hey there,
I'm using this Remix image since a few days on my 1GB Board. I know it's not optimized but I just want to use it for Spotify YouTube and Netflix....
I don't know exactly what's the reason but I'm having some trouble when using the YouTube App. My board is connected to the Internet via Ethernet.
The videos lag when I'm watching them in HD (720 or 1080). They sometimes have to buffer. The Internet connection should not be the problem. It's fast enough.
When I'm listening to spotify on extreme settings (highest sound quality setting) I have no problems with buffer.
So I'm wondering if the problem might be the 1GB of RAM or some sort of problem with the Ethernet connection.
I discovered a slow connection when I was downloading some apps. That's why I'm considering that the problem is not (or not the whole part of the problem) caused by the RAM.
Kind Regards
Hello BlackJack
if you are not to use remix desktop and 1GB Ram Board , I suggest you try use android watching youtube , Spotify , Netflix.
Remix basically is use 2GB Ram.
Here is Pine64 Store , you will know 1GB is run android
and this wiki
If I am wrong please correct my content , thank !
1. Use Pine64 Running Ubuntu 16.04 Web Server ( LAMP )
2. Use Pine64 Running Official Android 6 for Media player
3. Use Pine64 Running Volumio Digital Audio Player