07-27-2016, 01:38 AM
In this pic I have the LED lab pinouts coming off the back-side of the Sparkfun cobbler, which frees up room on the half breadboard for the PN2222 motor speed controller transistor.
Both sides of the Sparkfun breakout are labeled; the advantage to this board is that the engineers have placed all of the GPIO pins in sequence by BCM GP number. My lab is using GPIO 20-27 which are in sequence on the Sparkfun breakout which facilitates using ribbon cables for system wiring (as in my robot design). Also, the breakout board eliminates the unused (and useless) extra ground pins (eight of them) !
Notice the 40 wire ribbon runs under the PineA64 board which is supported on steel feet; this gets both bus sets on one side of the board. My robotics enclosure (not pictured) has a slot on the same side which facilitates access for the breakout board.