08-24-2023, 06:55 AM
(08-23-2023, 11:38 PM)KC9UDX Wrote: When you turn the kill switch off, the only kind of malfunction that could cause the modern to work is a short circuit. Statisticaly, the kind that if you had one, it would cause other problems first. Frankly, the level of security you are seeking can only be obtained by taking charge yourself. Understand the hardware and software to the point you could actually hack it yourself; then you will have what you are looking for.
What ment by turning off the bluetooth and wifi is by keeping the hardware switch in the up position on the back of the phone but on the screen you can see the icons but they have that off or line saying they are off. Thats what i want to know and have some suspicions that the software may say they are off but it might really be on still allowing anybody with the right tools to connect to it.