Questions Before I Buy Anything
Hi all,

So my main comp is starting(?) to die and repairing it is rated as "pain in the butt."  So alongside researching that, I'm also looking into a cheap daily driver.  Pinebook Pros sound like that, though I still have some questions.

How "snappy" is it? -  Right now I'm using a old Windows Tablet and it can barely handle Win10.  Its aggravating as all get out. 
  • What I mean is say, when I try and load a website, is the only restriction my internet speed, or is there a the lack of RAM that gets in the way?
  • And more broadly, how quickly do the usual suspects, (like firefox, libreoffice, the music player,) load?

Can it remember where it was?  Like, I was on Mastodon with Firefox on this shabby windows device earlier and went to a new tab and shopped for a bit.  When I came back, Mastodon had reloaded back at the top, having to reallocate its RAM to Walmart.

How is the keybaord/touchpad?
  • Is there any lag to characters appearing on the screen?
  • double presses/ignored presses?
            Can you tell some other issues I have with this current machine?
  • do the keys feel logical? I've had laptops for years and never got used to the layout.
       Not this one!  An old HP I had.
  • backlit?
       A high hope for something so inexpensive, but I do enjoy them.

I was thinking of adding an SSD if I get one, do I need a heatsink too?  I've never done that on any computer.  I see Samsung 980s are on sale.  There are also ones with built in headsinks.

I've mooched around with Mint as a Virtual Machine, but that's my extent of Linux experience.  Is there anything I should know abut Manjaro before diving in?
  • Does Discord have a reliable distribution for it?
  • Does Steam run at all?
  • Itchio etc?


I might think of more questions, but thanks in advance!


Messages In This Thread
Questions Before I Buy Anything - by Tourma - 07-09-2023, 03:21 AM
RE: Questions Before I Buy Anything - by zetabeta - 07-09-2023, 10:05 AM
RE: Questions Before I Buy Anything - by tophneal - 07-10-2023, 10:12 AM
RE: Questions Before I Buy Anything - by Tourma - 07-10-2023, 05:06 PM

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