Recover LUKS volume, rpmb, "Replay Protected Memory Block"
Quote:Is mmcblk2rpmb another name for mmcblk2p2, or does it have nothing to do with it?
no. it does have nothing to do with it. mmcblkNboot0, mmcblkNboot1 and mmcblkNrpmb are special purpose subdevicies on an eMMC module, the first 2 are for booting from them, but rockhip rom code seems to not support this. this would be a good place for FW if it did. the rpmb is a "security" device, for storing there secrets. can be accessed only after authentication. none of these have something to do with your data, no matter are the latter encrypted or not. user data go to the general puspose area, this is what linux designates as mmcblkN as a whole and mmcblkNpM as a partition.
ANT - my hobby OS for x86 and ARM.

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RE: Recover LUKS volume, rpmb, "Replay Protected Memory Block" - by z4v4l - 03-07-2023, 10:19 PM

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