09-02-2022, 07:15 AM
If in doubt check the schematic. For v1.1 (Brave Heart) it shows headphone connections going via switch U801 which handles the change between audio and serial use. Tip HP_L goes to PB9-DEBUG-RX (A64 PB9/UART0-RX) and ring (HP_R) to PB8-DEBUG-TX (A64 PB8/UART0-TX)
The source of the confusion might be which RX and TX are being discussed - the cable doc may be talking about the RX and TX of the usb-to-serial adapter rather than the PineTab's.
The source of the confusion might be which RX and TX are being discussed - the cable doc may be talking about the RX and TX of the usb-to-serial adapter rather than the PineTab's.