03-19-2022, 12:27 PM
(03-18-2022, 06:01 AM)anonymous Wrote: It should work anew with the next minor version of GTK (4.6.2).
Any idea when that GTK update will be coming down the wire? I just updated my Mobian installation and Megapixels is still screwed up. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. When it does run, a QR code will crash it. I very rarely use the camera but have found it useful on a couple of occasions so it would be nice for this to work again.
Attempting to run megapixels from the command line yields the following:
Gdk-WARNING **: 14:24:24.823: gdk_gl_context_set_required_version - GL context versions less than 3.2 are not supported.
Initialized OpenGL 2.1
Gsk:ERROR:../../../gsk/gl/gskglcommandqueue.c:1266:gsk_gl_command_queue_create_render_target: assertion failed (glCheckFramebufferStatus (GL_FRAMEBUFFER) == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE): (0x00008cd6 == 0x00008cd5)
Bail out! Gsk:ERROR:../../../gsk/gl/gskglcommandqueue.c:1266:gsk_gl_command_queue_create_render_target: assertion failed (glCheckFramebufferStatus (GL_FRAMEBUFFER) == GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE): (0x00008cd6 == 0x00008cd5)