PIA VPN has a VPN GUI for ArchLinux ARM on their website. It seems to be working fine on my phone. As of right now, the file is named "pia-linux-arm64-3.2-06857.run". I installed Gnome Files to navigate my phone. When the PIA file is downloaded, I right clicked on it with my mouse through the convergence hub and set the permissions to run as a program. It should be a little check box at the bottom. I then opened a terminal and navigated to that directory I had downloaded it to and typed "./pia-linux-arm64-3.2-06857.run
There is a decimal point in front of the forward slash in the above command. The app installed by itself and looks like the one I have on my Ubuntu desktop. With the PinePhone version, you have to move the settings page around with your finger to see all of it (at least on mine it does), but it works well. It even has multi-hop server capability, killswitch, and other features.
Hopefully this helps some of the newbies (like me) to get started with a VPN if you want one. It's good to protect yourself at public wifi hotspots.
If there are any other VPNs (GUIs or CLIs) someone may find, or a VPN service that does work well with the basic command "sudo openvpn", please list them here. Thanks.
There is a decimal point in front of the forward slash in the above command. The app installed by itself and looks like the one I have on my Ubuntu desktop. With the PinePhone version, you have to move the settings page around with your finger to see all of it (at least on mine it does), but it works well. It even has multi-hop server capability, killswitch, and other features.
Hopefully this helps some of the newbies (like me) to get started with a VPN if you want one. It's good to protect yourself at public wifi hotspots.
If there are any other VPNs (GUIs or CLIs) someone may find, or a VPN service that does work well with the basic command "sudo openvpn", please list them here. Thanks.