11-26-2021, 01:52 PM
I'm not sure how to enable the web interface like that, would need to search docs myself. Generally you can check via ss -tlpn which processes are listening on which TCP port.
Note that this is not a "kodi on dietpi" but the official Debian Kodi package. You can do apt install kodi instead, we additionally only assure that members of input and tty groups have R/W access to all input and console devices (not relevant when you run Kodi as root user, which I'd recommend while debugging to rule out other permission issues) and create a desktop icon, if a desktop is installed. Only on RPi and Odroids special packages are installed to make better use of their GPU.
How did you find out about the missing addons repository when inputs did not work?
So if input does not work when executing the kodi or kodi --standalone command as root user from a regular local console, then it is either an issue with the Armbian kernel (which I doubt, if the keyboard works on the console), the Debian Bullseye input libraries or their Kodi package, or a combination of those. Since the ROCK64 is not officially supported by Armbian (through it works generally fine, the most used PINE64 SBC running DietPi), it makes sense to report this to the Debian bug tracker then: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?src=kodi
But we should gather more info first. Could you please paste the output of the following command:
This is to check for kernel errors and the last 10 kernel messages, just in case we find something related to input devices when running Kodi.
Note that this is not a "kodi on dietpi" but the official Debian Kodi package. You can do apt install kodi instead, we additionally only assure that members of input and tty groups have R/W access to all input and console devices (not relevant when you run Kodi as root user, which I'd recommend while debugging to rule out other permission issues) and create a desktop icon, if a desktop is installed. Only on RPi and Odroids special packages are installed to make better use of their GPU.
How did you find out about the missing addons repository when inputs did not work?
So if input does not work when executing the kodi or kodi --standalone command as root user from a regular local console, then it is either an issue with the Armbian kernel (which I doubt, if the keyboard works on the console), the Debian Bullseye input libraries or their Kodi package, or a combination of those. Since the ROCK64 is not officially supported by Armbian (through it works generally fine, the most used PINE64 SBC running DietPi), it makes sense to report this to the Debian bug tracker then: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?src=kodi
But we should gather more info first. Could you please paste the output of the following command:
dmesg -l emerg,alert,crit,err
dmesg | tail -10