Background audio
Listening to Podcasts with Podbird only works as long as the phone is unlocked. When locking the phone the audio stops.
Is anybody else also having this problem, or am I the only one?
Does anyone know if this is Pinephone specific, or if this is a general problem of Ubuntu Touch?
(07-07-2020, 03:20 AM)BoostCookie Wrote: Listening to Podcasts with Podbird only works as long as the phone is unlocked. When locking the phone the audio stops.
Is anybody else also having this problem, or am I the only one?
Does anyone know if this is Pinephone specific, or if this is a general problem of Ubuntu Touch?
On Ubuntu Touch, the new deep sleep (CRUST) is now activated by default with no way to change the settings yet.  So as soon as you lock the screen, the phone is put in deep sleep and stop any processes except for the modem.  I'm pretty sure it will be implemented in the future but there is nothing you can do right now about that... I think...  So far, I think only Mobian works correctly for that since you can change the deep sleep settings. But preventing deep sleep mode will affect your battery a lot. Hope this helps!  Big Grin

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