External DAC
I'll add 2 hi-fi board soon is released I the store [emoji2] [emoji2]

Sent from my HUAWEI Y530 using Tapatalk
By. Zoidiano0!
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Pine64 Head Unit Project.!
(02-20-2016, 02:43 AM)joe Wrote: @ Tl Lim 

Your choose this Pine64 HI-FI board , you will use nichicon hi-fi quality capacitors?
I don't know your HI-FI board will add capacitors and support 3.3v and 5v  , because some this Single-board computer HI-FI board have this capacitors , some is not use , so..................  Undecided

This ES9023 Chip need to use capacitors?

You finish your kickstarter user after to talk about this , Thank !

There is no need to use nichicon capacitor on this design.
Any news?

Sent from my HUAWEI Y530 using Tapatalk
By. Zoidiano0!
LAMP: Linux , Apache2.4 , Mariadb, phpMyadmin, PHP5 
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Netbeans 8.1
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Pine64 Head Unit Project.!
(03-10-2016, 04:56 PM)Zoidiano0 Wrote: Any news?

Sent from my HUAWEI Y530 using Tapatalk
Attached is the Audio DAC POT module schematic. We are currently busy on KS and backerbit activities and will resume this module development in 2 weeks time.
... TL Lim

Attached Files
.pdf   PMADB01.pdf (Size: 245.51 KB / Downloads: 825)
thats all i need to know thanks
keep working guys Big Grin no worries Big Grin
By. Zoidiano0!
LAMP: Linux , Apache2.4 , Mariadb, phpMyadmin, PHP5 
Java 8 arm by oracle
Netbeans 8.1
chromium (uses way toooo much Ram)

Pine64 Head Unit Project.!
I have found a I2S D/A converter PCBA with a Texas Instruments PCM5102A 32 bit D/A converter at Aliexpress 


Its in order,and might arrive before my Pine.Hope for a perfect sound quality!
Looks good please post results Smile Big Grin

Sent from my HUAWEI Y530 using Tapatalk
By. Zoidiano0!
LAMP: Linux , Apache2.4 , Mariadb, phpMyadmin, PHP5 
Java 8 arm by oracle
Netbeans 8.1
chromium (uses way toooo much Ram)

Pine64 Head Unit Project.!
(03-12-2016, 01:38 PM)Zoidiano0 Wrote: Looks good please post results Smile Big Grin

Sent from my HUAWEI Y530 using Tapatalk

I will  Cool
Just got my pin64 2GB today and want to get I2S output running.
Is there any info/howto for pine64 I2s output config on debian/jessy or any other linux distro?
Just found this good thread. Happy to hear that Pine64 has a basic onboard DAC. I see that the output jack is described as "headphone" rather than "line out". Thus is it a fair summary to say that built-in Pine64 audio to my headphones will sound better than a Pi 3 to my headphones? And that it will get even better with an external DAC?

My 2 Pine64 boards have shipped. Once received, I'll do some audio testing and write back.

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