unable to deploy my application to the Pine using Visual Studio 2017
Hello all,

A customer of ours is trying to deploy their application, see below his email: 

"I'm unable to deploy my application to the Pine using Visual Studio 2017.
I remember that I had my the application running on when we received the boards a while back but I was using Visual Studio 2015 then.
 "The application we have developed is a UWP project and not a native Win32 project.

I've followed the steps you pointed to but it did not fix the problem.
It compiles and deploy successfully to a Raspberry Pi running Windows Core."

Please assist? 

when i went through the setup vs2015 was recommended. i have never tried vs2017. anyway, i found the windows core builds problematic, for instance there was no way to shutdown other than just unplugging the board which for any computer equipment can be dangerous and when using sd cards is a good way to make them useless. i stopped using the pine64 core due to this. however, that was awhile back and it could be it was fixed i just have not checked. as to your question, do you have any idea why your client wants to use vs2017?
hello ,
i have 2 of pine64+-1g ram, it is very slow, nothing works, and worth of all is , i have the same problem.
i cant deploy anything to the board. i have iot last version 15063. it is not the windows, the funny thing is when ever user fined a problem , the developers are always trying to say it is the user fault ! then they try to destroy the windows. but never their product. i am so angry and devastated with pine64. i just want to thru the boards out of the window, nothing works as it should . no touch , no graphic driver, no deploying apps .....
what is wrong with you people ? ether don't make a shity product or if you do, first test it and develop it, why are you trying to say win10 iot is trash ? who ever say this is that and doesn't know anything .
i am using visual studio 2017 . i make apps , but the speed of Ethernet is in bytes not even kilobyte ! ya win has problem ! there are hundreds of develop boards with it and have no problems , just with this it has problems.
shame on you .
Thanks for your posts, however this still does not help me with a solution. I have a huge opportunity and without VS2017 this project will fail. Who at pine64 can hep me with this issue?
(10-18-2017, 12:52 AM)Matthew Wrote: Thanks for your posts, however this still does not help me with a solution. I have a huge opportunity and without VS2017 this project will fail. Who at pine64 can hep me with this issue?

This Win IoT project started by Microsoft collaborate with Allwinner, I have check with Allwinner engineer who involved on this Win IoT development and hopefully he can provide solution.
for deploying you can only use WiFi. LAN does not work in iot. this producers have no driver for anything. it is not Microsoft problem, since it is a third party development company, it is not license by Microsoft, i have checked it, Microsoft improved win 10 iot only boot on this board , but no driver, and no support, because it has been build by third party not Microsoft. but if they were partner of Microsoft like raspberry pi, Microsoft would have support the board fully . the drivers work in raspberry pi WiFi, work in pine64 too. i tested it. the biggest problem is the LAN and when windows get update. it cannot update itself and it hangs in pine64. there is no problem with raspberry pi. if they fix their drivers problem , uart - i2c-spi- LAN-SD- .... then pine64 will have no competition at all! the design is the best, trust me i know ! i have most of them. but wright now it is useless. unless you don't use LAN or internet or win 10 iot in pine64 !!!
Yep, am with you josef2600. The Kickstarter project promised on their website it would have Windows IoT support when the PINE64 board was being developed. Now, there's some progress, but in 2 years I 'waited' nothing much really has happened. Leeway213 is like the only one attempting to help out, but again it has been quiet for months now. This is becoming really embarrassing for a board with such a potential.
actually i had the same problem with my project and needed a good board. after all my works with few boards, i choose an intel board ! they are great ! a bit expensive, but with lcd & touch it has no difference. i get lcd (1280*800)8" and cap sence touch and full board (z8300 intel+2g ram + 32g emmc) + wifi+BT+battery all for 90 box! and i installed a win10 ltsb 32bit (highest version of iot ultimate) on it. it is extremely fast! and i use the usb port to connect to a pic32 microcontroller. now i have the fastest and the best board!
(12-11-2017, 06:41 AM)josef2600 Wrote: actually i had the same problem with my project and needed a good board. after all my works with few boards, i choose an intel board ! they are great ! a bit expensive, but with lcd & touch it has no difference. i get lcd (1280*800)8" and cap sence touch and full board (z8300 intel+2g ram + 32g emmc) + wifi+BT+battery all for 90 box! and i installed a win10 ltsb 32bit (highest version of iot ultimate) on it. it is extremely fast! and i use the usb port to connect to a pic32 microcontroller. now i have the fastest and the best board!

Which Intel board are you using?
(10-05-2017, 01:59 AM)Matthew Wrote: Hello all,

A customer of ours is trying to deploy their application, see below his email: 

"I'm unable to deploy my application to the Pine using Visual Studio 2017.
I remember that I had my the application running on when we received the boards a while back but I was using Visual Studio 2015 then.
 "The application we have developed is a UWP project and not a native Win32 project.

I've followed the steps you pointed to but it did not fix the problem.
It compiles and deploy successfully to a Raspberry Pi running Windows Core."

Please assist? 


I'm a total noob at this, but I've been toying with a couple of apps in VS2015 AND VS2017 on different machines. One VS2017 installation was giving me all sorts of trouble - however an installation repair took care of that.
The only template available for c# and IoT is "background task" (which is fine for me - at least for now), so if you' ve got something different on your hands, you need to install the relevant frameworks / nuget packages for your project.  C++, oth, has all the reasonable templates available.
In my minimal experience, a VS2017 project builds and deploys just fine in VS2015 and viceversa - provided you have all the pieces. For instance, if you'd like to write a CLI app, you need to start with a blank UWP clI, then add NETCore.App from Nuget - then fiddling a bit in the command prompt to get an ARM executable (VS won't do that for you, sorry....). 
Although I'm not sure about HOW MUCH I can help you, would you please ask your customers to elaborate a bit about their unability to deploy? I.E. what is the error...? As insane as it may sound, I have been experiencing troubles with my first SD card - which is the 32GB variant of a recommended card; for some reason, the 16GB version (the recommended one) works like a charm. Go figure....

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