you should use one of the 5.x Linux base builds.
iam new ,could you provide me more detail ?what is 5.x linux(means kernel? but kernel latest is 4.14.8)? how to buils os by myself?,any link or any name can provide?
all your questions have already be answered many times in the forum. it is your responsibility to educate yourself by spending as much time as you need to get the basic understanding. there are several posts that explain the basics, they were written by the mods and other members to provide new members the basics. i suggest you read them.
Thank you for your reply, but my goal is to use rock64 build cluster development, I do not want to spend time to study the system or build system,just want to pick one os and use, here is my attempt, I hope to help someone,
CentOS7-aarch64 official - Network not working - give up
Xenial Mate Community Build Image [microSD Boot] by ayufan (16.04) - docker failed to install - give up
Next will try dietpi,and Debian Stretch Mate Community Build Image [microSD Boot] [0.5.15-136]