10-26-2017, 05:50 PM
Official Fedora support is nearing the light of day from the good folks on the Fedora ARM team. Note to admins here, it may be time to add a Fedora Sub Forum on this site. :-)
If you are interested in running a pre-release version of Fedora 27 on your Pine64, here's what you need to do at this point in its development. Note, Fedora's philosophy eschews proprietary software as much as possible, so if upstream support isn't yet available, it won't be in Fedora. There's no graphical support yet, so you'll only be able to watch the OS boot on the serial console. On first boot, you can create a user, set the timezone, etc. Then you can log in. From there, once ethernet is established, you can SSH to the board.
Here are the steps as I best understand them. I'll update as needed:
*) Acquire a UART cable for using the serial console. Reference this resource:
*) Obtain one of the daily Fedora builds from Koji. I'd recommend one of either the Minimal or Server builds:
Minimal: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/pack...geID=24072
Server: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/pack...geID=24074
Make sure there's a green check mark by the item you intend to download, as that indicates that it was successfully built that day. Remember: This is pre-release software. Eventually you'll end up with a file named similar to this (the date will be different):
*) Write the image to your microSD card. Determine the device name to which you'll be writing. /dev/sdb in this example.
*) The Fedora ARM Installer does not yet support Pine64 as a target, so the SPL/U-boot pieces currently need to be written separately to the microSD card. To get the proper images, you can install uboot-images-armv8 from Rawhide. A recent version of this is required. Otherwise there's some ugly manual steps you'll have to do. Just get the recent version, and I won't document the ugly steps. :-) If you do that, the path names you'll need to use are listed in this snippet.
If you don't want to install from Rawhide, pull the uboot-images-armv8 image from here:
You can either install from the RPM, or even extract the RPM using CPIO:
Either way, adapt the code to write these two files (sunxi-spl.bin & u-boot.itb) to the microSD card.
*) Insert the microSD card into the Pine64 board. Attach the UART cable to the appropriate pins on the Pine64. Plug the USB end of the cable into your 'other' machine. Then you'll need to run a terminal from your other computer. I use:
*) Power on the Pine64, and watch the fun. The initial-setup-tui program will run allowing you to set the timezone, create a user, etc.
*) Currently there is a bug that (to my knowledge) has not yet been fixed that prevents you from getting the ethernet port to work. Here is the current workaround. Execute on the Pine once you are logged in. (Or make the change on the microSD card before you boot.) You need to soft link the DTB directory that matches the kernel you will boot.
Then reboot, and ethernet should work.
Have fun!
If you are interested in running a pre-release version of Fedora 27 on your Pine64, here's what you need to do at this point in its development. Note, Fedora's philosophy eschews proprietary software as much as possible, so if upstream support isn't yet available, it won't be in Fedora. There's no graphical support yet, so you'll only be able to watch the OS boot on the serial console. On first boot, you can create a user, set the timezone, etc. Then you can log in. From there, once ethernet is established, you can SSH to the board.
Here are the steps as I best understand them. I'll update as needed:
*) Acquire a UART cable for using the serial console. Reference this resource:
*) Obtain one of the daily Fedora builds from Koji. I'd recommend one of either the Minimal or Server builds:
Minimal: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/pack...geID=24072
Server: https://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/pack...geID=24074
Make sure there's a green check mark by the item you intend to download, as that indicates that it was successfully built that day. Remember: This is pre-release software. Eventually you'll end up with a file named similar to this (the date will be different):
*) Write the image to your microSD card. Determine the device name to which you'll be writing. /dev/sdb in this example.
sudo xzcat Fedora-Minimal-27-20171026.n.0.aarch64.raw.xz | dd of=/dev/sdb bs=4M status=progress conv=fsync
*) The Fedora ARM Installer does not yet support Pine64 as a target, so the SPL/U-boot pieces currently need to be written separately to the microSD card. To get the proper images, you can install uboot-images-armv8 from Rawhide. A recent version of this is required. Otherwise there's some ugly manual steps you'll have to do. Just get the recent version, and I won't document the ugly steps. :-) If you do that, the path names you'll need to use are listed in this snippet.
sudo dd if=/usr/share/uboot/pine64_plus/sunxi-spl.bin of=/dev/sdb bs=8k seek=1
sudo dd if=/usr/share/uboot/pine64_plus/u-boot.itb of=/dev/sdb bs=8k seek=5
You can either install from the RPM, or even extract the RPM using CPIO:
Either way, adapt the code to write these two files (sunxi-spl.bin & u-boot.itb) to the microSD card.
*) Insert the microSD card into the Pine64 board. Attach the UART cable to the appropriate pins on the Pine64. Plug the USB end of the cable into your 'other' machine. Then you'll need to run a terminal from your other computer. I use:
screen -L /dev/ttyUSB0 115200
*) Power on the Pine64, and watch the fun. The initial-setup-tui program will run allowing you to set the timezone, create a user, etc.
*) Currently there is a bug that (to my knowledge) has not yet been fixed that prevents you from getting the ethernet port to work. Here is the current workaround. Execute on the Pine once you are logged in. (Or make the change on the microSD card before you boot.) You need to soft link the DTB directory that matches the kernel you will boot.
sudo ln -s /boot/dtb-4.13.x-xxx.fc27.aarch64 /boot/dtb
Have fun!
# uname -a
Linux pine 4.13.8-300.fc27.aarch64 #1 SMP Wed Oct 18 15:24:54 UTC 2017 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux