How can we add a battery and a charging circuit on Rock64 ?
And can rock64 display the battery status on the android 7.1 image ?
You can check out the Geekworm UPS HAT board for Raspberry Pi for adding battery and charging. However, Android build will not display charging status and bar. Please note that w ehave not tested this module, and not guarantee it fully works with ROCK64.
i'm thinking a better solution would be to set up battery/charging as a service to the rock64 rather than trying to internalize both battery/charging . you could probably use one of the smaller microprocessors like pro mini or esp32. have it monitor the battery charge status and keep it fully charged. or go solar as marcus mentioned. the problem would be that the rock64 can need upwards of 3 amps current depending on what it is doing at any given moment. that would need a sizable battery. and difficult for solar recharging capacity. depending on how mobile you need the setup to be a small ups might be a good solution.
i don't see why not. TI includes a basic circuit schematic and it even mention that the chip can be directly connected to the battery for simplicity. being able to conceptualize circuits is beyond my abilities at present although i understand most of what is in a pre-existing one [kinda]. if you end up making a small charging board keep us informed. i just bought one from adafruit but that is limited to a 100maH or .500maH charge. i bought a new cellphone recently and that thing charges at 4.98V 1.42Amp for most of the charge cycle. that is a nice charge rate. i have a tablet that charges at 5.08V .97Amp for a something ~7000maH battery. takes a long time at that rate. one of the TI chip models has max rate of 4Amps.