My Pine64 & a linux SD will come with me every day to work. It'll save me having to lug in my laptop, I already run everything through a switch box so my work PC and my laptop can share multiple screens and kb/mouse. Now all I need is a power supply and the Pine.
In my free time it'll be my next project, porting the Arduino IDE & API to a linux environment.
In my down time, it'll be an android media center for netflix and HEVC playback.
Smart Home Gateway Android TV Box and NAS if i can.
Integrated Artificial Intelligence with speech recognition
I needed to replace my home computer and my son told me about the Pine64+. I only use my computer for social media, simple searches, netflix and storing pictures. I hope I can use the board. I'm not computer literate.
Did you also went for the $89 tier sgary1?
I'm aiming to make it a bit of a multi-use, modular brain unit. Ideally, I will use it to go between a MAME cabinet and my outdoor theater setup.
Going to use mine (gonne order it, still) as Android (or very maybe Linux) personal Cloud. My 1TB OneDrive stops somewhere next year + as webserver (maybe for emails too).
I will be attempting to replace my Raspberry Pi 2s throughout my home to better improve home automation and start new projects.
I can't wait for a weekend of redoing work I have already done!
(I have been wanting to do this for a while now)