512 and 7" touch screen?
Hi guys, I got the 512 and added on the 7" touch screen. I do not see a way to connect the two. I see a couple places where there should be connectors for this screen but there isnt one. Does the 512 not support the screen? I dont remember seeing anything when I selected my rewards that said the two wont work together.

(06-14-2016, 02:04 PM)ShreddinPB Wrote: Hi guys, I got the 512 and added on the 7" touch screen. I do not see a way to connect the two. I see a couple places where there should be connectors for this screen but there isnt one. Does the 512 not support the screen? I dont remember seeing anything when I selected my rewards that said the two wont work together.


Hi ShreddinPB. Unfortunately, you are correct in assuming that the 512MB RAM iteration of the Pine64 board does not support the LCD touchscreen. This is one of a few things (more RAM, gigabit ethernet, camera module input, LCD and touch panel input) that differentiates the Pine A64 board from the Pine A64+ board. This is shown on the main campaign page on the kickstarter if you read through the information for the individual reward tiers.
Well, this is useless to me then. Was it shown on the backerkit page? Is there a way to trade in my pine64 and I will pay the difference?
I just looked over the original campaign page and I dont see it anywhere say explicitly that it doesnt support it. The only thing I see is it says "(No wifi/bluetooth ...)" and I see the touch panel in the image labelled "Just some optional accessories that work with PINE 64", doesnt say just Pine 64+. Also, just generic "Install a touchscreen module and choose from hundreds of thousands of games from the Android store to build your own arcade. " I do see on the + version that it says it supports it, but no where does it say the regular doesnt support it.

Honestly not trying to start trouble, but I would have ordered the + if I knew the regular didnt support the 7" touch screen, since the project I want to use this for requires a touch screen LCD, and having that is the only reason I ordered the Pine64 in the first place.
(06-14-2016, 06:51 PM)ShreddinPB Wrote: Well, this is useless to me then. Was it shown on the backerkit page? Is there a way to trade in my pine64 and I will pay the difference?
I just looked over the original campaign page and I dont see it anywhere say explicitly that it doesnt support it. The only thing I see is it says "(No wifi/bluetooth ...)" and I see the touch panel in the image labelled "Just some optional accessories that work with PINE 64", doesnt say just Pine 64+. Also, just generic "Install a touchscreen module and choose from hundreds of thousands of games from the Android store to build your own arcade. " I do see on the + version that it says it supports it, but no where does it say the regular doesnt support it.

Honestly not trying to start trouble, but I would have ordered the + if I knew the regular didnt support the 7" touch screen, since the project I want to use this for requires a touch screen LCD, and having that is the only reason I ordered the Pine64 in the first place.

This is our overlook that should stated LCD screen only for Pine A64+. Please PM me and I will make up the right for you.
Done, thanks Smile

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