12-11-2023, 01:19 AM
Hello all,
alright I read the wiki concerning flashing wasp Os thoroughly.
But in the process already the first step doesn't work:
I use daflasher. The device is recognized instantly. But when I try to send dafitbootloader23 Hacked.bin
Daflasher says that this is no bin file.
I downloaded the bootloader several times. It is always the same.
Can someone help me here?
Thanks and take care!
alright I read the wiki concerning flashing wasp Os thoroughly.
But in the process already the first step doesn't work:
I use daflasher. The device is recognized instantly. But when I try to send dafitbootloader23 Hacked.bin
Daflasher says that this is no bin file.
I downloaded the bootloader several times. It is always the same.
Can someone help me here?
Thanks and take care!