I think my PBP blew a fuse...
I plugged in usb c charger and heard my PBP making a chirping noise like a bird, I unplugged it and the USB C metal end felt really hot, tried using my simple pocket sized portable battery and my battery percentage LED turned off (that never happened before, bricked my portable battery), it seems to be sending current back towards whatever is supposed to be charging it. PBP was working until it ran out of battery (had no way of charging it, so PBP works, but now no way to add power)...
I tried the barrel charger, nothing (where before this incident it was working)...

I tried searching for threads related to my problem and found nothing. Will I have to open the PBP and change a fuse? USB-C port? Every month I use this thing it seems to pose me with a new engineering challenge.

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