SkiffOS server with Docker ,NAS, Home assistant, Jellyfin, Snikket XMPP (tutorial)
Hi All,

So I've written another install tutorial this time using SkiffOS, the first one hopefully helped a few users. I discovered SkiffOS on the Rockpro64 software release page however I was surprised to see literally no posts in the forum about it. I contacted the developer on Discord and with his endless help and patience , I have a working server running Docker and several containers.

UPDATE 19 JUNE 2022: After a lot of debugging and a lot of hard work on part @paralin1 , the Rockpro64 is on the 5.18 kernel and great news , anyone who uses the Marvell 88SE9230 SATA card its now working perfectly out of the box with SkiffOS, the udev rule is no longer required as its included within the SkiffOS Rockpro64 config

UPDATE:  @paralin1  is currently working on providing pre-built images , for users who want to try SkiffOS without compiling their own build, a link will be attached when the images are available

[Image: skiff.png]

SkiffOS Github page

The Docker containers I have are
  • a Simple Samba container for a NAS
  • Radicale container for caldav calendar and contacts sync
  • a Home assistant container for home automation
  • EspHome container for managing my home automation Sonoff light switches
  • Jellyfin container as a media server
  • a Caddy server container for my reverse proxy and lets encrypt certs renewal
  • a Snikket server container for a xmpp server thats simple an easy to get setup
  • and finally a Portainer container to manage all my containers with a nice UI

now this sounds like a lot of containers for an arm board, but at idle which is most of the time, the Rockpro64 sits at 1% CPU use.

Now before I begin, SkiffOS describes itself as:

Quote:SkiffOS is a lightweight operating system for any Linux-compatible computer, ranging from RPi, Odroid, NVIDIA Jetson, to Desktop PCs, Laptops (i.e. Apple MacBook), Phones (PinePhone), Containers, or Cloud VMs. It is:
  •     Adoptable: any userspace can be imported/exported to/from container images.
  •     Familiar: uses simple Makefile and KConfig language for configuration.
  •     Flexible: supports all major OS distributions inside containers.
  •     Portable: containers can be moved between machines of similar CPU type.
  •     Reliable: changes inside user environments cannot break the host boot-up.
  •     Reproducible: a given Skiff Git tree will always produce identical output.

Uses Buildroot to produce a minimal "single-file" host OS as a standardized base cross-platform operating system "shim" for hosting containers. Most Linux platforms have widely varying requirements for kernel, firmware, and additional hardware support packages. The immutable SkiffOS host system contains everything needed to support the hardware, cleanly separated from the applications

The main thing to focus on, I think is that it is based on Buildroot, this is an immutable OS, so you have to compile the build on your daily machine(i.e laptop or desktop) and add any additional software packages and configuration options at build time. The benefits of an immutable system are best described above, but the main thing is "once setup" you can reproduce the build with ease and it will barely need any tinkering once its up an and running, plus it provides the security that should anything go wrong a quick reboot will restore the System back to its initial boot state.

SkiffOS has a "persist" partition that stores all the files and folders that you want to persist after a reboot. This can be where all the docker configuration files and states reside.

SkiffOS also has the option for a CORE container this is a container that will provide an OS environment more familiar to most, making it easier to interact with the persist partition, you can choose between many core environments such as Alpine, Debian, Gentoo or even Ubuntu with a desktop environment. All this is best explained on the Github page, I however didn't need a core container as once setup the only interaction I need is with the containers themselves.

So lets begin! to start with I would create a Projects Directory on you daily machine, preferably in you Home directory and then Git Clone the repo from Github into the projects directory.

mkdir Projects
cd Projects/
git clone

Now I created a  configuration directory that has all my docker container configs, files and scripts, I called it my_docker_config this allows me to export it as an option when compiling SkiffOS during build time but of course you could create these files and folders and copy and paste their contents one at a time to the persist partition after first boot, but this defeats the benefit of having a reproducible build. So a little work now, to create a config directory will really pay off.

I have a udev rule that allows my marvell 88SE9230 Sata card to work and a fan script that starts the fan and keeps it at a constant speed, these are best explained in my other tutorial, however these are the types of things I would also want to have in my configuration directory. I also have a couple of systemd .mount files to mount my ssd's on startup similar to how an "fstab" file would work.

This is how my my_docker_config directory tree looks

    └── root_overlay
       ├── etc
       │   ├── skiff
       │   │   └── authorized_keys
       │   │       └──
       │   ├── systemd
       │   │   └── system
       │   │       ├── fan-speed.service
       │   │       ├── mnt-ssd1.mount
       │   │       ├── mnt-ssd2.mount
       │   │       └──
       │   │           ├── fan-speed.service -> ../fan-speed.service
       │   │           ├── mnt-ssd1.mount -> ../mnt-ssd1.mount
       │   │           └── mnt-ssd2.mount -> ../mnt-ssd2.mount
       │   └── udev
       │       └── rules.d
       │           └── 99-marvell.rules
       └── opt
           ├── mydocker
           │   ├── caddy
           │   │   ├── caddy_data
           │   │   └── Caddyfile
           │   ├── docker-compose.yml
           │   ├── esphome
           │   │   └── config
           │   ├── homeassistant
           │   │   ├── automations.yaml
           │   │   ├── configuration.yaml
           │   │   ├── groups.yaml
           │   │   └── www
           │   │       ├── picone.PNG
           │   │       └── pictwo.PNG
           │   ├── jellyfin
           │   ├── radicale
           │   │   ├── config
           │   │   │   └── config
           │   │   ├── data
           │   │   └── log
           │   └── snikket
           │       ├── acme_challenges
           │       ├── snikket.conf
           │       └── snikket_data
           └── rockpro64_fan

you can see I keep my docker configuration file in mydocker a fan script under "opt" and the rest of my config in "etc" this is all whats called a root overlay , all these file and directories will be overlaid upon boot and be placed in their respective folders in the live environment . You can also see I have "authorized_keys" under skiff this is where you can place your public ssh keys , so you have ssh access upon boot.

my udev rule named 99-marvell.rules looks like this
(This udev rule is no longer required it is included in SkiffOS config for the Rockpro64, its shown to inform only):

ACTION=="add", SUBSYSTEM=="pci", ATTR{vendor}=="0x1b4b", ATTR{device}=="0x9230", RUN+="/bin/bash -c 'echo %k > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/ahci/bind'"

My looks like this:


rmmod pwm-fan
echo 0 > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip1/export
echo 110 > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip1/pwm0/duty_cycle
echo 500 > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip1/pwm0/period
echo 1 > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip1/pwm0/enable

this will of course need a "fan speed service" to start from boot and a sym link to the service in the directory as shown in the directory tree

the service aptly named fan-speed.service looks like this :

Description=change fan speed at startup



one of my SSD mount files looks like this:

(please note the name of the mount file must be the path to the mount point with each folder separated by a hyphen i.e /mnt/mydrive/here would be mnt-mydrive-here.mount)

(also note that a sym link to the .mount file must also be in directory)

Description=mounting Files from SSD



here is the basic config for Radicale :

hosts =

max_connections = 15
# 100 Megabyte
max_content_length = 100000000
# 30 seconds
timeout = 20

# Average delay after failed login attempts in seconds
delay = 600

type = htpasswd
htpasswd_filename = /etc/radicale/users
# encryption method used in the htpasswd file
htpasswd_encryption = md5

filesystem_folder = /data/collections

and the snikket.conf file please edit with your email and domain name for snikket (please leave the ports commented out until later) :

# The primary domain of your Snikket instance

# An email address where the admin can be contacted
# (also used to register your Let's Encrypt account to obtain certificates)



and the Caddyfile required for caddy

(log_common) {
  log {
    output file /var/log/caddy/{args.0}.access.log
} {
    handle_path /radicale* {
        reverse_proxy localhost:5232 {
            header_up X-Script-Name /radicale
    import log_common
} {
    reverse_proxy localhost:8123
    import log_common
},, {
    reverse_proxy localhost:5080
    request_body {
      max_size 20M
},, {
        tls /snikket/letsencrypt/live/ /snikket/letsencrypt/live/
    reverse_proxy https://localhost:5443 {
        transport http {
        request_body {
      max_size 20M
(please edit the above with the domain names you have chosen for your services)

and finally my docker-compose.yml file for all my containers apart from Portainer which needs to access the docker daemon via a unix socket

(please edit to suit your needs):

version: '3.7'

      - radicale
      - homeassistant
    image: caddy:latest
    container_name: caddy_reverse_proxy
      - /mnt/persist/mydocker/caddy/caddy_data:/data
      - /mnt/persist/mydocker/caddy/Caddyfile:/etc/caddy/Caddyfile
      - /mnt/persist/mydocker/snikket/snikket_data:/snikket:ro
      - /mnt/persist/mydocker/caddy/logs:/var/log/caddy/
      - TZ=Europe/London 
    restart: unless-stopped
    network_mode: host

    image: tomsquest/docker-radicale
    container_name: radicale
    init: true
    read_only: true
      - no-new-privileges:true
      - ALL
      - SETUID
      - SETGID
      - CHOWN
      - KILL
      test: curl -f || exit 1
      interval: 30s
      retries: 3
    restart: unless-stopped
      - /mnt/persist/mydocker/radicale/data:/data
      - /mnt/persist/mydocker/radicale/config:/config:ro
      - /mnt/persist/mydocker/radicale/users:/etc/radicale/users
      - /mnt/persist/mydocker/radicale/log:/var/log/radicale/log
      - TZ=Europe/London

    container_name: home-assistant
    image: homeassistant/home-assistant:stable
      - /mnt/persist/mydocker/homeassistant:/config
      - TZ=Europe/London
    restart: unless-stopped
    network_mode: host

    image: esphome/esphome
      - /mnt/persist/mydocker/esphome/config:/config:rw
      - TZ=Europe/London
    network_mode: host
    restart: unless-stopped
    container_name: snikket-proxy
    image: snikket/snikket-web-proxy:beta
    env_file: /mnt/persist/mydocker/snikket/snikket.conf
    network_mode: host
      - /mnt/persist/mydocker/snikket/snikket_data:/snikket
      - /mnt/persist/mydocker/snikket/acme_challenges:/var/www/html/.well-known/acme-challenge
    restart: unless-stopped
    container_name: snikket-certs
    image: snikket/snikket-cert-manager:beta
    env_file: /mnt/persist/mydocker/snikket/snikket.conf
      - /mnt/persist/mydocker/snikket/snikket_data:/snikket
      - /mnt/persist/mydocker/snikket/acme_challenges:/var/www/.well-known/acme-challenge
    restart: unless-stopped
    container_name: snikket-portal
    image: snikket/snikket-web-portal:beta
    network_mode: host
    env_file: /mnt/persist/mydocker/snikket/snikket.conf
    restart: unless-stopped

    container_name: snikket
    image: snikket/snikket-server:beta
    network_mode: host
      - /mnt/persist/mydocker/snikket/snikket_data:/snikket
    env_file: /mnt/persist/mydocker/snikket/snikket.conf
    restart: unless-stopped
    build: .
    image: servercontainers/samba
    container_name: samba-server
    restart: unless-stopped
    network_mode: host
      WSDD2_DISABLE: 1
      ACCOUNT_user1: "user1:1000:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:DF56ET792A681E1A23E0F75695:[U          ]:LCT-4502WT5:"
      UID_user1: 1020
      GROUPS_user1: users

      ACCOUNT_user2: "user2:1000:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:29395D100D389TEB9E295A747E420:[U          ]:LCT-521D03D5:"
      UID_user2: 1021
      GROUPS_user2: users
      GROUP_users: 100

      SAMBA_VOLUME_CONFIG_Foldername: "[Foldername Share]; path=/shares/Foldername; valid users = user1, user2; guest ok = no; force group = users; read only = no; browseable = yes"

      SAMBA_VOLUME_CONFIG_media: "[media Share]; path=/shares/media; valid users = user1, user2; guest ok = no; force group = users; read only = no; browseable = yes"
      - /mnt/ssd1/Foldername:/shares/Foldername
      - /mnt/ssd2/media:/shares/media
    image: linuxserver/jellyfin:latest
    container_name: jellyfin
    network_mode: host
      - /mnt/persist/mydocker/jellyfin/config:/config
      - /mnt/persist/mydocker/jellyfin/cache:/cache
      - /mnt/ssd2/media:/media
    restart: unless-stopped
      - TZ=Europe/London

after you have your configuration directory you can move it to /Projects/SkiffOS/configs/apps/ this will make it an exportable option in the next step.

So on to the installation!

Hopefully you still in the Projects directory with the freshly git cloned SkiffOS and your custom config directory moved to its place in the apps folder. As per the instruction on the SkiffOs github page you need to export all the options you want for the build, I have my board requirement,  docker compose (which also installs docker) and my custom config directory.

this looks like this :

cd SkiffOS

export SKIFF_CONFIG=pine64/rockpro64,apps/compose,apps/my_docker_config

OK so I should mention that if you require any additional software such as "htop" installed then now is the time to select it this is done by typing

make br/menuconfig

please note! all these commands will only work if you are in the the SkiffOS directory located in the previously created Projects directory

This make command will create an ncurses menu that will allow you to select additional software, system configs kernel options .etc

The target packages option will allow you to select additional packages such as htop.

The / key will allow you to search all the options and space will  allow you to select the option current highlighted . (remember to save before you exit the ncurses menu)

Now to finish up the build process.

make configure

make compile

This last command will begin the compiling process, this can take some time depending on your hardware, so now is the time to get a coffee!

(please note that when you recompile,  for example after an update to SkiffOS this will be alot shorter timespan, as a previously compiled image will exist and only updated options and packages will be compiled )

To copy the compiled image to an SD card or emmc (although I currently haven't tested if emmc works)

You will need to be root to perform these next commands

sudo bash

blkid  (this is to see  where the SD is located )

export PINE64_SD=/dev/mmcblk0  ( please edit this last part to suit where you SD is located)

make cmd/pine64/common/format  ( this formats the card , if you get an error with this command and your using Ubuntu please see note below)

make cmd/pine64/common/install ( this will copy the build to the sd card)

(Additional note whilst using Arch I had no issue with the format command above, however after switching to a Ubuntu based OS I noticed it failed with an error, the solution was to edit  he formatting script and add a  P to every partition  and the fatlabel )

nano ~/Projects/SkiffOS/configs/pine64/common/scripts/

see the addition of the p after every curly bracket

echo "Formatting boot partition..."
mkfs.vfat -F 32 ${PINE64_SD_SFX}p1
fatlabel ${PINE64_SD_SFX}p1 boot

echo "Formatting rootfs partition..."
$MKEXT4 -L "rootfs" ${PINE64_SD_SFX}p2

echo "Formatting persist partition..."
$MKEXT4 -L "persist" ${PINE64_SD_SFX}p3

now your ready to boot, but before you do I would create the Duckdns or other DDNS provider entries for the services you will expose to the internet (Please see my other tutorial for assistance), in my case Home assistant , Radicale and the Snikket XMPP server, so 3 entries in total.

I will point out for completeness sake that if your following along with this tutorial and you are wanting to trial Snikket as an XMPP server it is not recommended to use a Dynamic Domain Name Service, preferably you will require a static IP address from your internet provider and you should use the recommended DNS providers suggested on the Snikket website . I have a static IP but I am using Duckdns as a free DNS which works perfectly for my use case.

When you boot for the first time it may take a few minutes to provide SSH, if it doesnt provide SSH after 15 minutes,  the SSH keys provided in the config file are either incorrect or you have an issue and the SD has failed to boot. (Connecting a serial console could help you resolve your issue see here )

After you have successfully booted move your mydocker  config directory to the persist partition

mv /opt/mydocker /mnt/persist/

now to get Portainer up and running

docker run -d -p 9443:9443 --name portainer \
    --restart=always \
    -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
    -v portainer_data:/data \

You will need to setup Portainer to your requirements (This docker command will only get it installed and running)

Next pull all the container images for your services (This command will only work if your in the directory where your docker-compose file is located)

in my case:

cd /mnt/persist/mydocker/

docker-compose pull ( this will pull all images and can take some time )

So If your following along and are using the Radicale container, you will need to run a "one time" command to create a user password using htpasswd this can be done using a "temporary container",  the container is removed after the command completes.

docker run -v /mnt/persist/mydocker/radicale:/radicale --rm -it alpine:edge sh -c "apk add apache2-utils && htpasswd -c /radicale/users calendar"

(this creates user "calendar" password)( the --rm remove the container after completion )

next if your using the samba container for a NAS and your would prefer to use password hashes rather than a plain text password, then run this docker command for each user and fill in the requested details.

This will print to screen a hash for the specified user which needs to be added to the docker-compose.yml file as shown above where it says ACCOUNT_username

docker run -ti --rm --entrypoint servercontainers/samba

Now is the time to open the required ports on your router, Caddy only requires 80 and 443 for the reverse proxy service however Snikket requires quite a few port as shown here

Snikket requires a configuration file as shown above, however to use with a reverse proxy (Because Snikket gets its own lets encrypt certificates) you will need to change the ports in the .conf file (i.e uncomment) to something different from 80 and 443 which are in use by the Caddy container.

Before you uncomment these ports in the config I would start the Snikket containers, with out the reverse proxy running, that way the Snikket server can obtain its own lets encrypt certs without issue, the certs will renew without issue, with the newly altered ports in my case 5080 and 5443, from now on, no need to edit again.

Run these commands then edit the .conf file and uncomment the alternative ports.

docker-compose up snikket_proxy snikket_certs snikket_portal snikket_server

ctrl + c (to stop the containers )

nano /mnt/persist/mydocker/snikket/snikket.conf

OK so your almost there, If you  have a backup of your Homeassistant install, now is the time to copy it to the homeassistant directory otherwise once started the home assistant container will be from scratch and will need to be setup from new.

Finally !

docker-compose up -d

This will start the containers in daemon mode (i.e in the background)

If all is working you should see the HomeAssistant login screen, the Radicale login screen and the Snikket admin login screen at the addresses you specified with you DNS. Of course you will see all other service via their local network address/IP

I would now create an admin invite for yourself to access the Snikket admin page

docker exec snikket create-invite --admin --group default

this will generate a URL for your first admin password setup

All services will need configuring/setup to suit your needs but all containers should be running and healthy, this can be checked in the Portainer UI.


as a final note!

How to update SkiffOS,  if there has been a new release or if you have changed the config on your build / require additional packages

cd Projects/SkiffOS

git pull --recurse-submodules

Note! you may need to re-build fully if too much has changed

(it which case the make clean command should be used before compiling):

make clean

Then compile:

make compile

Then push the updated image:

./scripts/ root@SKIFFOS_IP_ADDRESS

Thanks for this!

Will work on adding a config layer to automate setting this up as well.
Wonderful piece of work. Would you consider giving the guys over at Armbian a hand. I'm sure they could do with your help.
(02-03-2022, 08:14 PM)Rocklobster Wrote: Wonderful piece of work. Would you consider giving the guys over at Armbian a hand. I'm sure they could do with your help.

Hi Rocklobster,

not sure if your replying to my install tutorial or @paralin1  excellent SkiffOS project?

if it was to me, my previous tutorial uses Armbian, although it does need updating, as I no longer recommend SimpNAS for NAS software (its rarely updated) and I know there has been some changes in the Armbian infrastructure  Confused (not sure that the correct term).

maybe I will spin up Armbian on the RockPro to update my previous tutorial but I don't think I would change from SkiffOS its perfect for my needs and works flawlessly.

Thankyou for your review if it was aimed at me Smile
It was certainly aimed at you. Your credentials are in no doubt here and Armbian are crying out for people like you. Armbian has been the go to Distro for the RockPro64 board and I've no doubt someone like you would be a great asset to the project.
Just a quick question: I'm using the same udev rule for my Marvell 88SE9230 but then I get the following system message at boot:
[   17.721247] sysfs: cannot create duplicate filename '/devices/platform/f8000000.pcie/pci0000:00/0000:00:00.0/0000:01:00.0/remapped_nvme'
[   17.721273] CPU: 0 PID: 550 Comm: bash Not tainted 5.15.25-rockchip64 #22.02.1
[   17.721283] Hardware name: Pine64 RockPro64 v2.1 (DT)

If I remove the udev rule, I don't see my two disks connected to the Marvell 88SE9230 but I don't have this message, so this is really coming from there. Do you also see this kind of message? Do you have any idea what is the reason for it?

PS: as a side note, when I do a "hdparm -t /dev/sdb1" I get around 250 MB/sec whereas when the same ssd was connected to a usb3 port on the RockPro64 (with a usb3<->sata adapter) it was more around 350 MB/sec. I find it a little surprising, I was expecting the same kind of real world speed (since 350 MB/sec would fit within sata3 bandwidth).
@Rocklobster with SkiffOS and Buildroot we are working towards the goal of an extremely minimal and, more importantly, reproducible system: flash & forget w/ some amount of pre-configuration baked in, and simplified over-the-air update.

This is where it is different from armbian, which uses the usual approach of a package manager, mutable / filesystem, no pre-config, and full-disk images as the main backup / restore approach (checkpointing).
Thanks, for the tutorial!
I tried to complile with MacOS and within Ubuntu in VirtualBox without success.
Installed elementary.os in a laptop and trying to compile there.

Any chance of distributing a version already compiled for RockPro64? easily maintain an ARM64 media server
(03-15-2022, 03:26 AM)bavay Wrote: Just a quick question: I'm using the same udev rule for my Marvell 88SE9230 but then I get the following system message at boot:
[   17.721247] sysfs: cannot create duplicate filename '/devices/platform/f8000000.pcie/pci0000:00/0000:00:00.0/0000:01:00.0/remapped_nvme'
[   17.721273] CPU: 0 PID: 550 Comm: bash Not tainted 5.15.25-rockchip64 #22.02.1
[   17.721283] Hardware name: Pine64 RockPro64 v2.1 (DT)

If I remove the udev rule, I don't see my two disks connected to the Marvell 88SE9230 but I don't have this message, so this is really coming from there. Do you also see this kind of message? Do you have any idea what is the reason for it?

PS: as a side note, when I do a "hdparm -t /dev/sdb1" I get around 250 MB/sec whereas when the same ssd was connected to a usb3 port on the RockPro64 (with a usb3<->sata adapter) it was more around 350 MB/sec. I find it a little surprising, I was expecting the same kind of real world speed (since 350 MB/sec would fit within sata3 bandwidth).

sorry for the delayed reply work lately has been insane, I'm not sure why this is happening have you tried the udev rule with only one drive or none connected , just the Marvell Pcie connected ?

(03-27-2022, 08:02 AM)gabrielsr Wrote: Thanks, for the tutorial!
I tried to complile with MacOS and within Ubuntu in VirtualBox without success.
Installed elementary.os in a laptop and trying to compile there.

Any chance of distributing a version already compiled for RockPro64?

I need to add a note to the Tutorial really, but @paralin1  is currently in the Process of creating pre-compiled Images, so users can trial SkiffOS
(04-01-2022, 04:07 AM)GreyLinux Wrote: sorry for the delayed reply work lately has been insane, I'm not sure why this is happening have you tried the udev rule with only one drive or none connected , just the Marvell Pcie connected ?

That's a good idea, I've not tried it yet, but I'll do it. So far, I've opened a bug report on the Marvell kernel driver bugzilla (see I'll comment more once I'll have tried with only one disk or even none connected to the adapter.

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