No PinephonePro in store anymore
The store item for the PinephonePro Dev Edition is gone. It is not even out of stock.
And still no sign of when the keyboard for it will be released aka i will start believing in a real release when pin64 announces a specific date instead of saying "next month".

Some transparency about shipping problem and when we really can expect something to be in stock would give pin64 a bit less kickstarterish feel.
But instead it's going the kickstarter-route and promises new devices while everything seems to out of stock and release dates and restocks be postponed again and again or aren't even announced.

Pinephone Pros are still limited to developers only at the moment:
(12-06-2021, 08:23 AM)L4rb04rd Wrote: But instead it's going the kickstarter-route and promises new devices while everything seems to out of stock and release dates and restocks be postponed again and again or aren't even announced.

That sounds more like the Librem 5 to me; gets funding and backers get promised the phone, then gets postpone every time it's about to come available for 4 years straight.
pinephone pro is in serious development state. i would expect to have hardware issue even in early 2022. maybe we get hardware functional device at spring 2022, and it does not necessarily mean software functional.

keyboard is also more or less beta device. so, i'm not surprised it has issues. although it should be quicker to fix issues than ppp. giving better announcements about delays would help.

meanwhile, i could easily tolerate 3gb-ram pp. it still does lot of things, with ~200 us$ less price.

(12-06-2021, 08:06 PM)ryo Wrote: That sounds more like the Librem 5 to me; gets funding and backers get promised the phone, then gets postpone every time it's about to come available for 4 years straight.

purism store Wrote:Lead time for new orders: 52 weeks.
i do not like to bash librem too much. but 52 weeks in that price. i would say pine org has done good job, like manna from heaven. still worth pointing, i don't think we would have pinephone without purism's effort.
(12-06-2021, 09:15 PM)zetabeta Wrote: i don't think we would have pinephone without purism's effort.

True, but I don't think this justifies the fact they promised the phone back in 2018, while 2022 is just a few weeks away, and still can't manage to ship it.
But in the meantime, they can push the price up at multiple occasions.
Understandable now that the US dollar is in collapse and thus hyperinflation is coming, on the other hand, maybe we won't even have any phones after the (zombie) apocalypse (or we will, depending on who ends up taking over the world).

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