read/write gpio in c example?
Can someone please point me to where theres a simple GPIO example in C?

Is the GPIO memory mapped somewhere?  I need to read/write the pins at very high speed, so I'd like access as close to the hardware as possible.
(07-23-2017, 05:46 AM)ealbers Wrote: Can someone please point me to where theres a simple GPIO example in C?

Is the GPIO memory mapped somewhere?  I need to read/write the pins at very high speed, so I'd like access as close to the hardware as possible.

see this link for C++ library

see this link for python gpio control

Both links are useful for C.  The Python module is a wrapper;  the underlying C code is useful.  The C++ library is a good start too.  Yes, the gpio(s) are mapped in /dev/mem

Please see the A64 datasheet, and the A64 user manual also.
marcushh777    Cool

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