Rock64 IRC channel
A heads up for those who wish to follow software development for the upcoming Rock64 board from Pine Inc. - there is now a dedicated channel for the board on our IRC server. After joining in the main channel type the following in dialogue box and hit enter: 
Quote:/join #rock64

This will open another window with rock64 chat. 
The Rock64 channel was created with the intention to compartmentalize development for the two SOCs (A64 and rk3328) soon-to-be offered by Pine Inc. That said, I expect that there will be a degree of spill-over talk as its one community after all; we'll see how it pans out Wink  
If you wish to read more about our IRC and/or want to learn how to join using a dedicated client please read this thread

Edit: an easier way is to just substitute #Pine64 for #Rock64 under channels in webchat

If you got any suggestions or ideas do let me know. If anything new will come up I will make sure to update this post.  

You can find me on IRC, Discord and Twitter

problem is the main actors of the irc will not enforce it most probably at least not amongst themselves because they all want to be tied into the latest and greatest piece of questionable hardware to come down the pike or on the other hand since they all seem to be hypnotized by this r64 they all will vacate pine64 to populate r64. it's actually best for tllim to create teams and maybe on a rotating basis assign members to these channels otherwise great idea about compartmentalizing but face it, it is a huge longshot. i know some irc have an auto post whenever one logs in about the rules i suggest doing a notice of intent about cross-posting [to include members of the dream team, btw.] be made at the login for each channel. it's only gonna work if at the start you set up a structure to "force" it to happen. good luck. it will be fun to watch it unfold.
(06-25-2017, 11:41 AM)dkryder Wrote: problem is the main actors of the irc will not enforce it most probably at least not amongst themselves because they all want to be tied into the latest and greatest piece of questionable hardware to come down the pike or on the other hand since they all seem to be hypnotized by this r64 they all will vacate pine64 to populate r64. it's actually best for tllim to create teams and maybe on a rotating basis assign members to these channels otherwise great idea about compartmentalizing but face it, it is a huge longshot. i know some irc have an auto post whenever one logs in about the rules i suggest doing a notice of intent about cross-posting [to include members of the dream team, btw.] be made at the login for each channel. it's only gonna work if at the start you set up a structure to "force" it to happen. good luck. it will be fun to watch it unfold.

Personally I would not make an issue out of cross-channel talk. Its not like the Pine64 IRC is ''strictly business'' anyways. Besides for now, it seems that the 'dream-team' you speak off have been mostly on topic in the respective channels (which reminds me to ask Dave for a log of the Rock64 channel). 

As to your other points; of course people are excited about new toys -aren't you? ... there is no harm in that. It looks like the R64 will be a very solid board. But that doesn't mean that development for A64 will be abandoned anytime soon - not by a long shot. Not only due to the PB which just came out but also - if you read the log carefully - you'll catch not-so-subtle hints of upcoming A64 devices. Not to mention many technically apt newcomers joining the chat to pick up on stuff where others left off.

Lastly, tllim cannot 'put someone on a team'. Its not like longsleep, ayufan or Xalius (as well as many others) can be told what to do - they volunteer their time and hence work on whatever is of interest to them.
You can find me on IRC, Discord and Twitter

(06-25-2017, 11:41 AM)dkryder Wrote: problem is the main actors of the irc will not enforce it most probably at least not amongst themselves because they all want to be tied into the latest and greatest piece of questionable hardware to come down the pike or on the other hand since they all seem to be hypnotized by this r64 they all will vacate pine64 to populate r64. it's actually best for tllim to create teams and maybe on a rotating basis assign members to these channels otherwise great idea about compartmentalizing but face it, it is a huge longshot. i know some irc have an auto post whenever one logs in about the rules i suggest doing a notice of intent about cross-posting [to include members of the dream team, btw.] be made at the login for each channel. it's only gonna work if at the start you set up a structure to "force" it to happen. good luck. it will be fun to watch it unfold.

As I think Luke alluded to in his earlier reply, this .... probably won't happen. Most of the moderation team are community volunteers. Most of the discussion on the IRC is between us and other people who want help with different problems, and in-between that we chat about whatever we want with whoever happens to be online. Does it mean the #pine64 channel has conversations about the rock64? yes. it also has conversations about the goon show, arduino, and the frequent hiding of chocolate. Pine does have dedicated teams that are working on the pine64 and rock64, but the forum and IRC is mostly community (volunteer) run, and TL and the pine devs touch base every so often to get updates, and relay information to us. We have enough 'garbage' being auto-posted when someone logs in, so there really isn't any need for any more. We try to keep the channels mostly on track, but it's often up to whoever else is online as it's a community, not a military academy. :-P
Just a heads up, Logs are now available for the #Rock64 channel. Just select #Rock64 from the drop-down menu on top.
You can find me on IRC, Discord and Twitter

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