Different Hardware Versions ?
i own 2 pine64 units. both are 2GB versions, rev B.

as they sometimes behave different (e.g. running one unit with the flash image of the other unit does not work), i tried to find out what's different.

the version noted on the pcb is the same. the only difference i can find is the QL code, which is 16.16 on one unit and 16.26 on the other one.
what does this code mean and where can i find the difference?

the QL code a date code - it indicates which factory the board was printed in, and which batch it was in. 16.16 probably means 2016, maybe 16th week or batch #16. They are not always necessarily sequenced in numerical order, so the code may not mean anything to anybody outside the factory.
(12-12-2016, 09:37 PM)psychedup Wrote: the QL code a date code - it indicates which factory the board was printed in, and which batch it was in. 16.16 probably means 2016, maybe 16th week or batch #16. They are not always necessarily sequenced in numerical order, so the code may not mean anything to anybody outside the factory.

thanx for the reply!

so this does not neccessarily mean that there is a difference in between two units with different QL codes.

but is there any other mark to find out if anything is different in between two pine64 units? and to find out what's changed?
if i have two units (both 2GB versions) and their flash images are not interchangeable, i think there must be a difference.

(12-13-2016, 12:14 AM)bongo Wrote: if i have two units (both 2GB versions) and their flash images are not interchangeable, i think there must be a difference.

Before you jump to the conclusion that the flash images are not interchangeable ( which is probably not true ) please use a debug cable ( serial to usb TTL bridge cable ) to monitor the serial console for all boot-up messages for each board;  find out why the second board is not booting.  This may be due to other factors like power ( powered via micro usb vs euler bus for instance) , or connectivity ( eth vs wifi for instance ).

Of course, one board may actually be defective;  debug cable will show this up for what it is.
marcushh777    Cool

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