Push button on/off switch
Hi everyone, this is my first post and it is a question.

What is the schematics on this button?


I want a power button but this is to small for what I want so I need to know this ones internal workings. I am going to get a big user friendly thumb sized button to place on a wooden box.
Hey, you can also attach the on/off button and other things via the EXP header, see here:


Otherwise check the board schematics on the wiki...
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(07-31-2016, 08:02 AM)xalius Wrote: Otherwise check the board schematics on the wiki...

Please direct me because I could not find that detail.

Page 6 has the onboard switch next to the PMIC, pulling PWR_ON to ground

Page 12 you can see that most of the control signal are also on the small EXP header, including PWR_ON
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That still do not answer the question about what button I actually need because I am not familiar with that blue switch symbol.
You can use any single contact normally-open pushbutton, depending on how long you connect PWR_ON to ground and release, different things like power on, soft power off/stby, immediate off happen...
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Which-ever port(s) you decide to attach to physically, it is important that you have BOTH a power-on button and a reset button. Here is why, glad you asked ...

... if you press the power button two quickly, the system will suspend and go to sleep, from which there is no recovery except to press the reset button. Sometimes the system on re-power will get an sdram initialize error from which there is no recovery except to press the reset button. If you press the power button ( to power on ) and you press it too quickly, it will never power on, the recovery of which is to press the reset button.

To power on you must press and HOLD the power button until the red light comes on and then continue to hold it for another half second or so... this only works if the battery is connected and substantially charged. Here is the kicker... if when you let go of the power button on startup there is contact bounce ( often very normal ) the system will again shutdown (suspend) the recovery of which is only the (you guessed it) reset button.

The system cannot be powered on at this time with the remote (it jsut doesn't work). The remote blue power button has ALL the same issues (except contact bounce) of the hardware power button; one shot suspends, long hold gives the poweroff dialogue box. The arrow keys will select, and the OK= button will engage the selection.

marcushh777    Cool

please join us for a chat @  irc.pine64.xyz:6667   or ssl  irc.pine64.xyz:6697

( I regret that I am not able to respond to personal messages;  let's meet on irc! )

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