SMS Questions
Greetings all,

     I was wondering if someone here may be able to help with my sporadic consistency with text messages lately.  Up until a couple days ago I had no problem with texting.  Then I just stopped receiving them.

I have looked at some forums where one has to go into the mmcli and delete text messages one at a time.  Is there a better way to clear out the modem cache if it is clogged up like this?

Also, how does one address MMS messages?  I tried doing the list command that works with SMS by changing the value to MMS to no avail.

Is there a forum post that has all this information in one place?  Or a manpage?  If not I would love help to create one since this seems to be an issue for some folks.

Also, there is available for mobian, a GUI-based modem-manager program, is this available for postmarketOS as well?

Thank you in advanced for your time and energy in addressing my concerns and questions.

problem : MMS texts get stuck in the modems cache at the firmware level, eventually blocking all incoming texts.
(So even swapping operating systems will not fix this problem.)

I would really like to suggest the Modem Manager GUI App, unfortunately it is not available in the PMOS Software Store.
* ((just click the icon > and a few clicks later the pesky mms are gone))

I believe there are quite a few threads/posts on terminal methods to clear the modems cache, here on the forum.

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Dremurs/Arch/Phosh and Mobian/Phosh operating systems both have the 'Modem Manager GUI' App in their Software Stores.
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