pacman 404 errors
If you are seeing a bunch of 404 errors when using command-line 'pacman', you might be able to fix it in 2 easy steps:

1. Edit your /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist file, so only this line is present:
  Server =$repo/$arch

2. Now run a complete update and mirror sync with this command:
sudo pacman-mirrors -g && sudo pacman -Syyu

I am sharing this because I struggled for about a week.  One day, pacman just decided to quit, and I spend a lot of time working with mirrors trying to fix it.  Finally, I found this post by strit:

Along the way, I came across related info, that may or may not be relevant or useful, but here it is anyway:
"Manjaro ARM is transitioning to a Boxit Server, which requires a new mirror structure" - April 2020

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