09-18-2018, 09:22 AM
My Rock64 is currently running:
Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.132-1075-rockchip-ayufan-ga83beded8524 aarch64)
I see that Ubuntu 18.04.1 is ready for upgrade but when I started the upgrade I was cautioned about doing this via SSH. Since my use is exclusively Samba & FTP, is there a really good reason to upgrade at this time? I probably should have gone with a simple Debian build in the first place but I have little interest in starting over.
What is the likelihood that the distro upgrade via SSH will crash? How stable is 18.04 LTS?
Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated.
Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.132-1075-rockchip-ayufan-ga83beded8524 aarch64)
I see that Ubuntu 18.04.1 is ready for upgrade but when I started the upgrade I was cautioned about doing this via SSH. Since my use is exclusively Samba & FTP, is there a really good reason to upgrade at this time? I probably should have gone with a simple Debian build in the first place but I have little interest in starting over.
What is the likelihood that the distro upgrade via SSH will crash? How stable is 18.04 LTS?
Any thoughts will be greatly appreciated.