How to install Plasma Mobile in Archlinux
(02-21-2024, 02:53 PM)aular Wrote: So i did follow the instructions and no change happened on the phone. am i missing something? im still seeing posh as the layout.

I don't know which distro you are using, but if the installation went well then you should have an option on your Login screen to choose the Desktop/Mobile Environment.
In that drop-Down menu should now be also Plasma Mobile.

The login software is often called display manager and sddm is popular, but I don't know which one you are using. Check how to change to a different environment for your display manager.

You have to select it the first time on the Login Screen.
Well, I guess this is different on the PineTab2, but the PinePhone is set to autologin, so you do not even get to the display manager normally. For SDDM, the default boot option is configured in /etc/sddm.conf or somewhere in /etc/sddm.conf.d/ – on Manjaro Plasma Mobile, it is set in /etc/sddm.conf.d/99-autologin.conf. But is SDDM even the display manager being used?

One way to switch for sure would be to just uninstall all the Phosh packages, especially the one that provides the session .desktop file. But doing it wrong can also lead to an unbootable installation.
im using straight arch, not manjaro, with posh and wanted to switch over to plasma on the phone, maybe im missing a package or 2.
(02-25-2024, 09:08 AM)aular Wrote: im using straight arch, not manjaro, with posh and wanted to switch over to plasma on the phone, maybe im missing a package or 2.

As mentioned, it could be that your phone directly boots into a configured Desktop/Mobile Environment. That can be also done by display manager sddm or some other display manager.

So you would have to check if a display manager is used, if yes then is it set to auto login ? you can change that.

You could also ask the question to the people who made the Archlinux distro for the PP.
Another good source of information is the Archlinux Wiki.

The Post was about the Archlinux originally shipped with the Pinetab 2 and there seem to be some differences to your Archlinux. That said, I don’t see any reason why it should not work in the end. Just a few more things to explore and fix.
I figured it out, found a website and followed the steps, got stuck between phosh and plasma, then had to remove phosh. Now i have no keyboard access when i need to login at the home screen. but the website helped me out. i will reinstall arch with plasma or try to hook my phone up to a keyboard and get access, the try to reinstall the keyboard files.

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