Marked dropoff in forum activity
i also noticed some decreased forum activity, although external issue might play here, unspecified war what's going on.

pinephone pro has only two batches so far, are people little bit too impatient. well 400 us$, maybe people might expect something. however, it took about 5 batches to get somewhere in pp regular, so i would assume pp pro is at early stages. still it could more functional quicker what original pp was.
(04-16-2022, 09:17 AM)tckosvic Wrote:
(04-15-2022, 06:12 PM)lot378 Wrote:
(04-15-2022, 08:59 AM)tckosvic Wrote:
(04-14-2022, 06:38 AM)lot378 Wrote: Drop off in activity? Almost every post on this forum nowadays is exclusively either about the PP or the PPP. Other Pine64 products sometimes get a mention but that has become a rarity (probably because they are unobtainable even the LTS).

No, the forum needs neither a "purge" or a "new beginning".

Like life, you need to make your best judgement on the information available then make your choice to proceed or not. The old threads may contain out of date information they are still a valuable record and can be learned from.

Yes, drop off in activity.  There used to be half a dozen comments per hour and now there is one per day.

Uh huh - there are more than "one per day" so that is factually incorrect.

May be you would get more mileage from visiting the other Pine64 channels like discord, matrix or telegram. To "newer" users "forums" are a relic when it comes to interactions they prefer those other modes.
i think you should go look at the forum for the PPP topics:  general topics had 1 post today,  Software had none today so far, and hardware had none today thus far and none for the last 3 days.  Don't be so flippant with your comments without looking at the info that is there.

Nope you were factually incorrect stating there was a single post on the day you made the comment there was more than one post. I agree the activity here on the forum is not great but you were exaggerating. If you listened, I said you would probably get more mileage on Pine64's other social medial channels than the forum and explained why.
(04-16-2022, 09:17 AM)tckosvic Wrote:
(04-15-2022, 06:12 PM)lot378 Wrote:
(04-15-2022, 08:59 AM)tckosvic Wrote:
(04-14-2022, 06:38 AM)lot378 Wrote: Drop off in activity? Almost every post on this forum nowadays is exclusively either about the PP or the PPP. Other Pine64 products sometimes get a mention but that has become a rarity (probably because they are unobtainable even the LTS).

No, the forum needs neither a "purge" or a "new beginning".

Like life, you need to make your best judgement on the information available then make your choice to proceed or not. The old threads may contain out of date information they are still a valuable record and can be learned from.

Yes, drop off in activity.  There used to be half a dozen comments per hour and now there is one per day.

Uh huh - there are more than "one per day" so that is factually incorrect.

May be you would get more mileage from visiting the other Pine64 channels like discord, matrix or telegram. To "newer" users "forums" are a relic when it comes to interactions they prefer those other modes.
i think you should go look at the forum for the PPP topics:  general topics had 1 post today,  Software had none today so far, and hardware had none today thus far and none for the last 3 days.  Don't be so flippant with your comments without looking at the info that is there.

I have no interest and do not participate in social media.  I stand by my comment that there is a major decrease in activity compared to the initial period that the phones were shipped.  The posts today were us arguing with each other.

On my Beta Convergence, my original AT&T prepaid SIM always worked.

When I tried to switch to Tracfone, I spent over a week trying to get the Beta to consistently recognize the new SIM card, without success.

The AT&T card was MicroSIM, the Tracfone card was NanoSIM with adapter (their adapter worked better than the one included with the Beta).

Eventually, after driving from Arizona to Texas, the Tracfone SIM was recognized and has remained so, even upon returning to Arizona.

I still have no idea what made the difference.

In particular, I still do not know if carrier status affects card recognition.

Do you have other SIM cards to test?

Maybe try visiting a carrier store and asking if they have a demo SIM card you can test.

This worked for me at T-Mobile and Verizon (neither was recognized).

Maybe the SIM slot is defective but replacing it won't fix the problem.

I, like you, avoid social media, and I am not inclined to create five accounts in the hopes of having an intelligent conversation that moves this ball forward, which is what we all want.

However, if I do engage in one or two of these social-style channels, I will let you know how it goes.
Us cranky old farts prefer IRC.

Get off my lawn.

What is Free Software and why is it so important for society?

Protocols, not Platforms

For the most Linux-y experience on your Linux phone, try SXMO!

I am (nominally) the Armbian Maintainer for PineBook Pro (although severely lacking in time these days).
I get the resentment of social media, but refusing to try matrix? come on people, it's a chat protocol that is open source, decentralized and secure. It's what we've dreamed of while using IRC for decades. I absolutely despise social media and closed software like discord, but matrix is no more social media than IRC and you can host your own instance if you chose to, no telephone numbers need to be used, it has some of the most advanced security features and it's not proprietary like telegram. Telegram is also primarily a messenger/chat, you don't have to use it's social media features and all of the dev channels for the pinephone related stuff that I am taking part in have bridges running, so you can stay safe using matrix and still read messages from users who chose to connect via telegram, discord and also IRC. expecting the community to come to you is plain stubborn.

I also miss forums as they are a nice way to organize information in a more permanent way, but that is what wikis provide as well and a chaotic forum is no better than a chaotic chat channel. The 3D printing support for my latest printer (ratrig v-core 3) is discord only, guess how fun that is... spoiler: no fun at all, discord is a privacy nightmare. so I don't hang around there, just join when I am in dire need for information, but I have gotten used to using the search and it feels similar to what forum searches are like: you get a bunch of results and have to read a thread in order to determine the usefulness of those results. on forums this usually has me wondering why the hell topics are not removed that contain no answers at all or have never found the solution to an issue (or have completely been derailed by some mansplaining FOSS bros while completely ignoring the OPs question) and you have to wade through a huge pile of empty crap before you can find out something useful. Searching chats surprisingly yields more immediate answers. Like I said, I had to get used to it, but rather than posting a question on a forum and waiting days or weeks, chat has all these people seeing your question right away and the answers come in quite quickly. And if you have follow up questions, people are already on the case and can respond immediately.

Just give it a try with matrix, what do you have to lose? no selfies, phone numbers or accounts bound to email addresses involved. You can even use a cli client like gomuks if a GUI makes you feel like you are not elite enough and if you can stand to run software written in go, but if that is too newfangled, noone is keeping you from writing your own client in FORTRAN Wink
(04-19-2022, 11:09 AM)grinzie Wrote: tckosvic:

On my Beta Convergence, my original AT&T prepaid SIM always worked.

When I tried to switch to Tracfone, I spent over a week trying to get the Beta to consistently recognize the new SIM card, without success.

The AT&T card was MicroSIM, the Tracfone card was NanoSIM with adapter (their adapter worked better than the one included with the Beta).

Eventually, after driving from Arizona to Texas, the Tracfone SIM was recognized and has remained so, even upon returning to Arizona.

I still have no idea what made the difference.

In particular, I still do not know if carrier status affects card recognition.

Do you have other SIM cards to test?

Maybe try visiting a carrier store and asking if they have a demo SIM card you can test.

This worked for me at T-Mobile and Verizon (neither was recognized).

Maybe the SIM slot is defective but replacing it won't fix the problem.

I, like you, avoid social media, and I am not inclined to create five accounts in the hopes of having an intelligent conversation that moves this ball forward, which is what we all want.

However, if I do engage in one or two of these social-style channels, I will let you know how it goes.

To reiterate, my sim card, consumer cellular, did work in PPP.  It worked for voice, sms, and mms with manjaro phosh. It then stopped working..  I think sim/sd holder is broken after countless re-inserts of sd card.  When I take the sim card out of PPP and put it in older PP phone, it makes calls so I don't thimk sim card is the problem.  Other causes of it stopping working could be a modem hardware failure or modem software.  I tried a bunch of OS to see if other software fixed the issue but no success.  I have no idea how to diagnose for a modem hardware failure.   Only thing I have available to try is to replace sd/sim card holder but I can't get the part.

tom kosvic

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