Getting started
I just received my Pine Watch and upgraded the firmware to 1.2.0. Seemed to happen almost as i was going through the settings. My main question is how do I set the time on it? I'm using Manjaro on my Pine Phone and can get it to connect via Bluetooth, but not much else. Is the an app that's needed? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Disclaimer: I have no idea what I'm doing. (I'm not a developer at all, just an end user.) What ultimately worked for me was a combination of button-mashing and luck.

I think it was the instructions here (thank you, Lee Lup Yuen!) that were most helpful in allowing me to use the nRFConnect app (on my Pixel 2) to sync the time to my PineTime. I tried a few times and I'm not really sure what I did correctly to make it work the last time...

I hope that works with your PinePhone. Otherwise, browsing around this forum a bit more might help. Good luck!
There are many ways to set the PineTime! I'll discuss the user-friendly ways, then I'll explain how *I* did it.

The most user-friendly way is to connect the PineTime to a phone or PC using one of the few companion apps available. A short summary list is: GadgetBridge for Android (use FDroid, not the play store), AmazFish for Android and SailfishOS, Siglo for Linux, etc.

The way I used did not use a companion app, because I haven't yet decided how I want to connect. It uses bluetoothctl, which is a very standard tool common to most Linux distros. The procedure is based on this FAQ answer:

1) I noted the BLE MAC address given on the 3rd page of the About menu. Call it [MAC]
2) I started bluetoothctl in a terminal window on my desktop
3) I typed "pair [MAC]"
4) It didn't work! I don't know why, but PineTime is only available for pairing shortly after a restart
5) I held down the button for 10 seconds, and when it rebooted, "pair [MAC]" worked
6) I accessed the GATT menu by entering "menu gatt" after successfully pairing.
7) I typed "list-attributes", and noted that one of the attributes is called "Current Time":
[NEW] Characteristic
Current Time
8) I selected that attribute using "select-attribute /org/bluez/hci0/dev_[MAC]/service0017/char0018"
9) I read that attribute using "read". This wasn't required; I was just interested.
10) I pushed the new time using:
write "0xe5 0x07 0x08 0x0d 0x12 0x33 0x00 0x00 0x00"
but you'll have to update that string of hex values based on the current time. You can see what those hex values stand for by reading the FAQ above; in summary:
<lsb of year> <msb of year> <month (1-12)> <day (1-31)> <hour (0-23)> <minute (0-59)> <seconds (0-59)> <weekday (1-7 where 1=Monday)> <fractions (1/256th of second)>
where "lsb" and "msb" are "least significant bit" and "most significant bit".
(08-16-2021, 12:13 PM)DrPlamsa Wrote: There are many ways to set the PineTime! I'll discuss the user-friendly ways, then I'll explain how *I* did it.

The most user-friendly way is to connect the PineTime to a phone or PC using one of the few companion apps available. A short summary list is: GadgetBridge for Android (use FDroid, not the play store), AmazFish for Android and SailfishOS, Siglo for Linux, etc.

The way I used did not use a companion app, because I haven't yet decided how I want to connect. It uses bluetoothctl, which is a very standard tool common to most Linux distros. The procedure is based on this FAQ answer:

1) I noted the BLE MAC address given on the 3rd page of the About menu. Call it [MAC]
2) I started bluetoothctl in a terminal window on my desktop
3) I typed "pair [MAC]"
4) It didn't work! I don't know why, but PineTime is only available for pairing shortly after a restart
5) I held down the button for 10 seconds, and when it rebooted, "pair [MAC]" worked
6) I accessed the GATT menu by entering "menu gatt" after successfully pairing.
7) I typed "list-attributes", and noted that one of the attributes is called "Current Time":
[NEW] Characteristic
Current Time
8) I selected that attribute using "select-attribute /org/bluez/hci0/dev_[MAC]/service0017/char0018"
9) I read that attribute using "read". This wasn't required; I was just interested.
10) I pushed the new time using:
write "0xe5 0x07 0x08 0x0d 0x12 0x33 0x00 0x00 0x00"
but you'll have to update that string of hex values based on the current time. You can see what those hex values stand for by reading the FAQ above; in summary:
<lsb of year> <msb of year> <month (1-12)> <day (1-31)> <hour (0-23)> <minute (0-59)> <seconds (0-59)> <weekday (1-7 where 1=Monday)> <fractions (1/256th of second)>
where "lsb" and "msb" are "least significant bit" and "most significant bit".
Thank you very much. I installed Gadgetbridge from FDroid on my silly little Tracfone. When I paired the phone with the watch, it automatically set the time on the watch. Simplicity in itself.
Been following the PineTime project and bought one sealed, arrived last week.

I have iPhones, a MacBook Air and various Windows PCs and laptops. I was able to install Q4OS very easily on a 2007-vintage laptop now running Windows 10. I had heard about Siglo being available to run under Linux, so I searched “Siglo Linux” and found the author’s instructions and Siglo install. Using his instructions for Debian, it installed and let me trash it with the newest firmware and it set the date and time.

I’m hoping for an iOS app soon to track steps and activity level. Still, cool watch and I love the battery life. At 41% after day 5, very nice for a change.
“Using his instructions for Debian, it installed and let me trash it with the newest firmware and it set the date and time.”

* … let me FLASH it … *

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