TvHeadend works beautifully
I was previously running TvHeadend on a Raspberry Pi 2 and I bought the Pine64 strictly for headless server duty to replace the Raspberry Pi 2.  The Raspberry Pi 2 was able to handle about 30 channels perfectly of 60 with the rest being very mixed success; The on the rest the was inconsistant, the audio was not syncing with the video, laggy, particularly on Standard Definition channels which was weird.  I bought the Pine64 for the gigabit networking to it up as a DVR.

After switching to the Pine64, it handles all 60 channels perfectly, including the standard definiton ones as well as the ability to run DVR as far as I could tell from the last few days, hasn't skipped a beat.  As far as the audio/video syncing fix I wonder if it was from compiling the TvHeadend source code to aarch64 which has better NEON optimisations at the compiler level.

Im glad you guys posted how to set up Plex as well, got that installed.

I have to say I am quite happy with the device.   Smile
(05-08-2016, 08:58 AM)coleshores Wrote: I was previously running TvHeadend on a Raspberry Pi 2 and I bought the Pine64 strictly for headless server duty to replace the Raspberry Pi 2.  The Raspberry Pi 2 was able to handle about 30 channels perfectly of 60 with the rest being very mixed success; The on the rest the was inconsistant, the audio was not syncing with the video, laggy, particularly on Standard Definition channels which was weird.  I bought the Pine64 for the gigabit networking to it up as a DVR.

After switching to the Pine64, it handles all 60 channels perfectly, including the standard definiton ones as well as the ability to run DVR as far as I could tell from the last few days, hasn't skipped a beat.  As far as the audio/video syncing fix I wonder if it was from compiling the TvHeadend source code to aarch64 which has better NEON optimisations at the compiler level.

Im glad you guys posted how to set up Plex as well, got that installed.

I have to say I am quite happy with the device.   Smile

Always glad to see Pine A64 board put into good use :-)
I can't seem to get it installed. After running 'make' I get a lot of 'undefined reference' errors. Can I ask you how you got it working ?
(05-29-2016, 07:22 AM)f3bruary Wrote: I can't seem to get it installed. After running 'make' I get a lot of 'undefined reference' errors. Can I ask you how you got it working ?

cd ~/

sudo apt-get install cmake
git clone
cd tvheadend
./configure --enable-hdhomerun_static --enable-libffmpeg_static
sudo make -j5

if it compiles correctly then...
sudo make install

sudo crontab -e

@reboot /usr/local/bin/tvheadend -u hts -g hts -p /run/ -C

This ensures it is absolutely the last task to run.  There are more complicated methods using sym links to /etc/rc3.d/SXXhdheadend where XX is the order of operations(99+ is customarty) to an init script but just start with above.  I do the @reboot for my personal servers.


I attached the prebuilt DEB package  I tested recording and the HDHomerun compatibility, it works great.

sudo crontab -e

@reboot /usr/local/bin/tvheadend -u hts -g hts -p /run/ -C

to access the web interface:

if you need to change the password for the web interface do:
dpkg-reconfigure tvheadend

if you have any problems with this just su to root and run
/usr/local/bin/tvheadend -u hts -g hts -p /run/ -C
then check to see if everything works. It is picky with its permissions.

Let me know if you run in to any issues
(06-02-2016, 11:55 AM)Hii have tried to make the installation as described and i got many errors during the ./configure stepthen i have installed your deb file which made the installation to work and now i can see that the service is up and running but when i am logged in to the web interface i do not see tv adapters coleshores Wrote:
(05-29-2016, 07:22 AM)f3bruary Wrote: I can't seem to get it installed. After running 'make' I get a lot of 'undefined reference' errors. Can I ask you how you got it working ?

cd ~/

sudo apt-get install cmake
git clone
cd tvheadend
./configure --enable-hdhomerun_static --enable-libffmpeg_static
sudo make -j5

if it compiles correctly then...
sudo make install

sudo crontab -e

@reboot /usr/local/bin/tvheadend -u hts -g hts -p /run/ -C

This ensures it is absolutely the last task to run.  There are more complicated methods using sym links to /etc/rc3.d/SXXhdheadend where XX is the order of operations(99+ is customarty) to an init script but just start with above.  I do the @reboot for my personal servers.


I attached the prebuilt DEB package  I tested recording and the HDHomerun compatibility, it works great.

sudo crontab -e

@reboot /usr/local/bin/tvheadend -u hts -g hts -p /run/ -C

to access the web interface:

if you need to change the password for the web interface do:
dpkg-reconfigure tvheadend

if you have any problems with this just su to root and run
/usr/local/bin/tvheadend -u hts -g hts -p /run/ -C
then check to see if everything works.  It is picky with its permissions.

Let me know if you run in to any issues

I am running on
Sorry about that. Here is a better TVHeadend binary that has the HDHomeRun driver statically complied in. Place this binary in /usr/local/bin with 755 permissions
Thanks for it, I will reinstall the Pine64 and get back to you.
I have some issues with the DVBT drivers, the system doesn't recognize it under dmesg | grep dvb
can you help with this s well?
I have Mygica T230 dongle
(09-02-2016, 03:49 PM)Shai Wrote: Thanks for it, I will reinstall the Pine64 and get back to you.
I have some issues with the DVBT drivers, the system doesn't recognize it under dmesg | grep dvb
can you help with this s well?
I have Mygica T230 dongle

I can't unfortunately since I use a HDHomeRun
I'm pretty new to this, so is it possible you can make one without HDHomeRun driver based on the latest nightly build they have?
Could possibly anyone provide a step by step guide on how to install tvheadend on a PIne64?
I had tvheadend running on a RPi2 but decided to move the server onto a Pine64 for better performance and possibly add another DVB-T USB stick.

I followed these instructions and got to install the server from the third party repository. I can reach it from my browser no problem but it doesn't recognize my DVB-T USB sticks. Please note both devices are recognized by my RPi2 running Debian stretch, so it's not a case of unsupported firmware. One is the widely used RLT 2832 and the other one is the similar DVB-T2 Astrometa_2

Then I tried to install Linux headers but when I execute the build script (./build) I get errors.

The USB sticks seem to be listed with Lsusb but cannot be recognized by tvheadend through web browser interface.

I tried the installation on a Debian Jessie and an Ubuntu Xenial Base Image.

Any help would be appreciated.

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