HDMI Overscan / Underscan
Currently the screen clips off edges of the console. Is there a way that I can change the over scan setting in the /boot/uEnv.txt file? The Raspberry Pi has something like this with their /boot/config.txt file using the following settings.

These are the one's that I would be interested in using with the uEnv.txt file.
    Set to 1 to disable overscan.
    Specifies the number of pixels to skip on the left edge of the screen. Increase this value if the text flows off the left edge of the screen; decrease it if there's a black border between the left edge of the screen and the text.
    Specifies the number of pixels to skip on the right edge of the screen.
    Specifies the number of pixels to skip on the top edge of the screen.
    Specifies the number of pixels to skip on the bottom edge of the screen.
    Specifies the console framebuffer width in pixels. The default is the display width minus the total horizontal overscan.

[Image: IMG_1080.JPG]
[Image: IMG_1081.JPG]
Paramedic & Programmer.
Ex-Chief of Operations, WLVAC.
It is also possible to change the overscan settings on-the-fly when using a Raspberry PI. There is a small C program that writes directly to the VideoCore GPU, to control the overscan settings - https://github.com/ukscone/set_overscan

This is what we need for the PINE64.
David Hardingham

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