VPN always on
The new update is great, I configured wireguard for VPN but I can´t figure out how to have it always on. I am using Phosh and Postmarketos 24.06. Any hints greatly apreciated Cool
Here's an OpenRC-based guide you can try: https://serverfault.com/questions/108490...after-boot
Thanks for your link. I tried both methods sugested in the post but without success. Maybe it is because I did not configure manually but loaded a wg config file in the GNOME settings > Network > VPN tab.
Ah, yes if you're doing it through the GUI you can't use that guide. See if the VPN shows up in `nmcli c show`, get its* ID, then run something like `nmcli c ID set connection.autoconnect yes`.
Thank you for this.

I was able to activate the conection with 'nmcli con mod name connection.autoconnect yes'

Now I have to switch the VPN conection on when I boot up the device but then it stays on.

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