PPP as daily device.
At present I am using my PPP as a daily driver in all capacities. What I have noticed is in order to keep heat to a minimum and also maximum battery life I tend to shut certain things down when not required. For example if I'm on wifi and shut down the modem, when done with BT and wifi I shut down BT and enable modem. Both cameras are shut down on dip switches always. 

Something else I have noticed is that certain sim cards even from same carrier may operate differently. My Blackberry uses my main sim card and works perfectly. When I place that same sim in the PPP the connection is up and then drops and this cycle goes on and on. However when I place my newer sim card in PPP it works perfectly and never drops. That same sim in my Blackberry also works perfectly. The signal strength of my Blackberry sim is slightly weaker than PPP sim and I wonder if sim cards 'get tired'? 

Also I use a Blackberry ear bud set with a 3.5mm jack for comms as nothing else seems to work. The sound is very good. I tried my son's gaming headset with 3.5mm jack and the sound was excellent.
Hi. Do you have any other recomendations about extending battery life??
(11-04-2023, 04:18 PM)covar Wrote: Hi. Do you have any other recomendations about extending battery life??

With the modem shut off at dip switch I easily got 19 hours with 48% battery left indicating that 24 hours is attainable. 
At present I have switches 1,2,3, and 6 on. I never use cameras. 
I will try tomorrow from 100% charge to see how many hours I can get from modem on but BT and wifi shut off within settings.
Also I should mention I use Arch Linux Phosh which is renowned for extending battery life.
Very important to save energy is to always adjust the brightness to the lowest level possible in the current lighting situation. (At least that is my experience with the original PinePhone that I own, but I do not think it is very different with the Pro.) While in bright sunlight (and wearing sunglasses), I really need the maximum possible brightness, in room lighting, a setting close to the minimum works well, and outdoor in the evening, even the minimum is still more than bright enough. The screen backlight consumes a lot of energy.

And of course avoid using the flashlight mode, that drains the battery really really quickly. Better carry a dedicated flashlight if you need one, even a cheap one from a discounter chain gives much better light with much longer autonomy than the phone's flashlight mode. The flashlight mode can be really handy in situations where you have a sudden unplanned need for a flashlight, but it is no good as a long-term flashlight replacement.

Everyone thinks of LEDs as extremely low-energy-consumption devices, because compared to incandescence lightbulbs, they are, but at a cellphone scale, lighting is still one of the worst energy consumers.
(11-04-2023, 07:19 PM)Kevin Kofler Wrote: Very important to save energy is to always adjust the brightness to the lowest level possible in the current lighting situation. (At least that is my experience with the original PinePhone that I own, but I do not think it is very different with the Pro.) While in bright sunlight (and wearing sunglasses), I really need the maximum possible brightness, in room lighting, a setting close to the minimum works well, and outdoor in the evening, even the minimum is still more than bright enough. The screen backlight consumes a lot of energy.

Yep, that applies across the board.
If you run 'powertop' on a laptop, you can see directly how much adjusting brightness affects battery life.
Dunno if that also works on PP/PPP though (it may be an (intel) amd64 only thing).
I did a test (like so many others have) and with BT on and modem as well I got 5 hours from 100% down to 33%.
Shutting off BT will gain about another 3 hours of battery time. As mentioned above yes adjust lighting down to minimum possible and don't engage auto brightness.
My suggestion is to shut off modem in settings as well and only start modem to check messages / mail etc. Use the device as a PDA and one can expect 20 hours of battery time as I have done in the past. Use the modem ONLY as required may be beneficial overall.
p.s. - I always have the device charging too as it creates less heat overall. I have recharged the PPP to 100% and shut off modem and BT and at this moment the PPP feels cold while idling.
That's a very good sign of extended device life. Something to consider for sure.

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