Internal WiFi status?
Wow. Wifi works.

It works exactly as described above, no problem.
This post is my first use of the new Wifi driver. So far I tried the one-tine solution.

Thanks everyone for the dedicated work to make this happen.

As we know, the new wifi driver works, but hangs on suspend and shutdown. However, if I manually just disable wifi or run  "nmcli radio wifi off" before shutdown or suspend, all goes well :-).

So I thought following this would make all work:

but for some reason, it does not work. Any ideas?

(02-16-2024, 05:08 AM)Wilmeri Wrote: Hi!

As we know, the new wifi driver works, but hangs on suspend and shutdown. However, if I manually just disable wifi or run  "nmcli radio wifi off" before shutdown or suspend, all goes well :-).

So I thought following this would make all work:

but for some reason, it does not work. Any ideas?


Prefix the nmcli commands with sudo -u YOURUSERNAME.
(02-23-2024, 01:59 PM)ninlith Wrote:
(02-16-2024, 05:08 AM)Wilmeri Wrote: Hi!

As we know, the new wifi driver works, but hangs on suspend and shutdown. However, if I manually just disable wifi or run  "nmcli radio wifi off" before shutdown or suspend, all goes well :-).

So I thought following this would make all work:

but for some reason, it does not work. Any ideas?


Prefix the nmcli commands with sudo -u YOURUSERNAME.

That seemed to work a couple of times, but then never did again. I had better luck enabling the following service units:

Description=Turn on Wi-Fi at resume

ExecStart=/usr/bin/nmcli radio wifi on


Description=Turn off Wi-Fi at suspend

ExecStart=/usr/bin/nmcli radio wifi off

Wilmeri: that's a good find. Placing it in `/usr/lib/systemd/system-sleep/` isn't working for me. But a simple `nnmcli radio wifi off ; systemctl suspend` works nicely, followed by a corresponding "nmcli radio wifi on" when it wakes.

Which led me to check: simply disconnecting wifi by hitting the "Wi-Fi" button in the pull-down menu (the always-available one where you control screen brightness at the bottom) seems to be sufficient to let me suspend and restore gracefully. It's not perfect, but it's not difficult.

Thanks for pointing the way, Wilmeri!
I had success in being able to suspend without any hangs and the wifi on using the following.

Using your favorite text editor add the following text to the following two files

File at

if [ "$1" = "post" ]; then
        echo "Post: $(date +%T)" >> /tmp/suspend
        /usr/bin/nmcli radio wifi on 
#       /usr/sbin/modprobe bes2600
elif [ "$1" = "pre" ]; then
        echo "Pre: $(date +%T)" >> /tmp/suspend
        /usr/bin/nmcli radio wifi off
#       /usr/sbin/modprobe -r bes2600
exit 0

and again for shutdowns

add a file at


# stops the wifi before shutting down, otherwise the current driver implementation hangs

/usr/bin/nmcli radio wifi off
exit 0

Also make sure that both files are executable

% sudo chmod +x /usr/lib/systemd/system-shutdown/
% sudo chmod +x /usr/lib/systemd/system-sleep/

I have tested it a couple of times and it seem to work so far. I can let the pinetab2 go to suspend and wake up again, and wifi pops back into working.

You know that the script is working for suspend when the file /tmp/suspend exists and has timestamps for when it suspended. If that file isn't created then the problem is that the file /usr/lib/systemd/system-sleep/ isn't running. 

% cat /tmp/suspend
Pre: 12:35:31
Post: 12:35:35
Pre: 12:36:41
Post: 12:36:45

(02-23-2024, 08:43 PM)frtodd Wrote: Wilmeri: that's a good find. Placing it in `/usr/lib/systemd/system-sleep/` isn't working for me. But a simple `nnmcli radio wifi off ; systemctl suspend` works nicely, followed by a corresponding "nmcli radio wifi on" when it wakes.

Which led me to check: simply disconnecting wifi by hitting the "Wi-Fi" button in the pull-down menu (the always-available one where you control screen brightness at the bottom) seems to be sufficient to let me suspend and restore gracefully. It's not perfect, but it's not difficult.

Thanks for pointing the way, Wilmeri!

Not sure why it did't work for you, as I see it is very similar to what works well for me.

Perhaps you need to have the full path to nmcli?
Any idea how I could attempt to install this improved driver on my Manjaro Linux installation?
Wait, what device do you actually have? This driver is only for the PineTab 2, which is not currently supported by Manjaro.
There are in fact Manjaro images for the PineTab2, which is what I am using.
Ah OK. Those are not officially supported images (they are not on the official Manjaro download page), but I see they are there.

You can install the latest DanctNIX kernel: (download the file, then install it with sudo pacman -U linux-pinetab2-6.6.13.danctnix1-1-aarch64.pkg.tar.xz) to get the latest WiFi driver (and then follow the instructions in this thread for how to enable it, because it still ships disabled by default). I expect this to work (because the package format is the same and userspace does not tend to have tight dependencies on the exact kernel version), but keep in mind that of course this combination (Manjaro userspace on DanctNIX kernel) is not supported by either Manjaro or DanctNIX, so use at your own risk.

Otherwise, you will have to wait for Manjaro to ship an updated kernel for the PineTab2 with the driver. The current unsupported Manjaro images use the generic kernel-rc, not a dedicated kernel for the PineTab2, so they do not carry device-specific drivers at all.

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